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Brad gives us Bob Wallace


From: lightsearcher1
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 9:48 am
Subject: Brad gives us Bob Wallace

Never heard of him, but thanks to Brad for introducing us to "Bob Wallace" --

READ from this section which is halfway down the essay:

One of the lies that people believe in, a Strange God they worship, is environmentalism.

For those who believe in it, it is a religion, although they don't see it as one. They see it as the truth, separate from religion.

The writer Michael Crichton has called environmentalism "the religion of choice for urban atheists," and has labeled it a "perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths."



From: lightsearcher1
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 10:20 am
Subject: re: Brad gives us Bob Wallace

Search. Compare. Save.

In the Bob Wallace piece that the newly installed Bishop of Tome (as in "tome") Pontifex Bradimus gave us, Mr. Wallace describes C.S. Lewis' description of Hell.

"...everyone is perpetually concerned about his own DIGNITY and advancement, where everyone has a GRIEVANCE and where everyone lives the DEADLY SERIOUS passions of ENVY, SELF-IMPORTANCE and RESENTMENT."


It is manifestly evident that this particular Hell is a tailor-made container for the Late Members of the wack-job Liberal Left --


Because the wording so exquisitely describes the nihilistic culture of hyper-sensitivity and faux-grievance and faux-affront which the spoiled, ME-generation whiney-ass NATION-reading pinky-red-diaper-Doper-baby-Left has bequeathed to us over the past twenty years.

I stand my ground on this one, for the greater numeric majority of hard-Left-trendies have chosen to employ their own God-given liberty to become dedicated dope-heads during some part of their earthly careers.

Or as Johnny Caspar puts it in the opening dialogue of one of the best "small movies" ever made (MILLER'S CROSSING) --

"I'm talkin' about character. I'm talkin' about -- hell, Leo, I ain't embarassed to use the word -- I'm talkin' about ethics."


Also read 100's of glowing reviews at AMAZON.


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 10:47 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Brad gives us Bob Wallace

At 18:48 03.01.2004, lightsearcher1 wrote:

The writer Michael Crichton has called environmentalism "the religion of choice for urban atheists," and has labeled it a "perfect 21st century remapping of traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs and myths."


From the same article:

"One of the things I decided a long time ago is that religion will never be gotten rid of, contrary to the claims of the materialists and the secular humanists (both of which are themselves religions). For one thing, as far as I am concerned, everything is religion. Some are just better than others. Others aren't worth anything at all."

As I understand it, religion is gradually becoming a phenomenon of the past. New ways of cognizing and connecting to the spiritual world are evolving. For this reason, traditional "Old Age" religion (as opposed to New Age) has a tendency to become reactionary, violent, lethal, endorsing bombs and lethal injections and the busting of trade unions and No Free Lunch for Anybody and so on. Jesus was a bleeding heart liberal, feeding five thousand for nothing.

To declare that religion is here to stay forever is a desire to keep us all trapped in the darkness of the Middle Ages forever. No folks, religion is on the way out the door, and occultism is coming. The fundamentalists will be waiting with their guns loaded.

The one and only redeeming aspect of the Religious Right is their wish to protect the lives of unborn children. Everything else is death and violence. If you're gonna make an omelet, you have to break some eggs, and casualties just come with the territory.

Here is another quote from the above article that looks suspect:

"And let us certainly not forget that the World Trade Center collapsed prematurely because the builders were not allowed to spray asbestos on the upper floors. To "save one life" from non-existent asbestos poisoning we lost 3000. That's not a fair trade to anyone but environmentalists with heads full of voodoo."

What global warming and the "greenhouse effect" is concerned, the theory was seriously challenged several years ago by a couple of Danish researchers who claimed that the idea of human-made global warming is pure superstition, because the temperature changes on this planet are controlled by cosmic rays and sun spots. This is extremely interesting, but the issue is too politically charged to handle. The next 20-30 years may establish which theory is right. Perhaps they're ALL wrong for all I know, because - unlike many others who get involved in this controversy - I refuse to let any political color influence my understanding of scientific research.

So seriously, I don't think medieval religionism and charges of voodoo is helpful to our understanding of Greenpeace.

Happy 2004 everybody,



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