This website is going through a total makeover. The most popular and useful urls will be kept available during the work.
In English:
Shooting back:
Steiner, Christ, and Racial Intermarriage
Anthroposophy in the Courtroom
Karma between parents and children
Diana Winters about black and white magic
Appeal from a Cult Victim Needing Help
Peter Normann Waage Responds to Staudenmaier
Cato Schiøtz Crushes "Humanist"
Criticism against Steiner and Waldorf education
Henry Barnes about Waldorf schools in the Third Reich
Gerard Kerkvliet: Report on Rudolf Steiner's Racism
Was Rudolf Steiner An Anti-Semite?
Rudolf Steiner speaks about Mahatma Gandhi
Tarjei's "WC files" (Under construction)
The Uncle Taz "Anthroposophy Tomorrow" Files (Under construction)
"The worst readers are those who proceed like plundering soldiers: they pick up a few things they use, soil and confuse the rest, and blaspheme the whole."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Mixed Opinions and Maxims
Anthroposophy and Anarchism:
How Anthroposophy is Related to Anarchism
The Anarchist-bomb from Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy and Scientology:
Michael Friedjung about Scientology
Ron Hubbard and Rudolf Steiner Compared
Key lectures by Rudolf Steiner:
Rudolf Steiner: The Ahrimanic Deception
Rudolf Steiner: Exoteric And Esoteric Christianity
Rudolf Steiner: From Jesus to Christ
Rudolf Steiner: Love and its Meaning in the World
Selected lecture cycles by Rudolf Steiner:
Rudolf Steiner: The Spiritual Hierarchies
Rudolf Steiner: The Book of Revelation and the Work of the Priest
Excerpts from lecture cycles by Rudolf Steiner:
Rudolf Steiner: Individual Spirit Beings
Other Selections from Steiner's works:
Rudolf Steiner: The Guardian of the Threshold
Rudolf Steiner about Freedom and Evil
Anthroposophical literature:
Rudolf Steiner about the Freemasons
Rudolf Steiner's Personal Character:
Andrei Belyi's Portrait of Rudolf Steiner
Zeylmans van Emmichoven's Memory of Rudolf Steiner
Additional "shooting back" sites:
home page of Sune Nordwall
På norsk:
Svar på tiltale:
Peter Normann Waage svarer Staudenmaier
Cato Schiøtz knuser "Humanist"
Spørsmålet om Rudolf Steiners rasisme
Henry Barnes om steinerskoler under Hitler
Åpent Brev til Humanetisk Forbund
Antroposofi og anarkisme:
Antroposofisk litteratur:
Om King Arthur, Gralen og Parsival
Michael A. Miller om Bob Dylan
Rudolf Steiners personlige karakter:
Bugayevs minne om Rudolf Steiner
På svensk:
Syndikalister om Rudolf Steiner
Auf Deutsch:
Gerard Kerkvliet: Rudolf Steiner über das Judentum
Rudolf Steiner: Verschämter Antisemitismus
Gerard Kerkvliet: L'Anthroposophie et la question de la race
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