Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

From: holderlin66
Date: Thu Jan 8, 2004 6:27 pm
Subject: Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

--- In [email protected], Kim Munch Michelsen wrote:

One of the primary symptoms for an Ahrimanic organisation is it's employees inability to make decisions. Common sense or expertise, experience within a field, is not accepted as background for taking responsibility. The primary solutions for handling problems are: Same procedure as last time, or wait until it is burning, or until it is not necessary any longer, or the customer makes so much noise that the president of the organisation is notified and can make a decision, or export the problem to a consultancy company.

You will not define such an Ahrimanic organisation as evil, but it is removing the will and feeling for moral from it's employes, so they can't take a decision in the real world (that is outside the organisation) based on moral or common sense. And you can't point at one person and say that (s)he is the guilty.

Where Ahriman disables the will, goes Asuras a step longer, here the will of the individual is replaced by others, and the ego is eradicated. I think that one of the results of the action of the Asuras is that the connection between the physical mind and the spirit/ego is more or less destroyed, that is, man is converted to a mechanical automaton. The military could be an example, but in most cases I think it is Ahrimanic.

Bradford comments;

Tracking the target infection of the Consciousness Soul to its lair, was neatly done by Kim. There are vivid trails that Steiner left for us to follow that lead into Orwell country. The Language of the Consciousness Soul and the numbing of the Intellect has been severely infected by Language and Thought paradigms projected through a materialistic lens. But this disinformation began rising through the writing dictation by Ahriman through the Soul of Nietzsche and began in earnest out of the Nazi regime. Steiner realized that what we call 'spin' today, was rooted in Idols, Word Idols that Francis Bacon carried into the stream of current materialism. Here Steiner mounted an objective peeling away of the Idols - Idols erected out of Materialism and now entangled in the mainstream of media where ever we turn.


"Words are treated as if they have nothing to do with reality unless they directly refer to properties perceivable by the senses, and nothing else. At some time mankind had to be faced with this. Mankind had at some time to confront the assertion, `There are words in your language that have nothing to do with reality; in past times one thought they had, but this was the result of superstitions and unfounded preconceptions. In truth, it is necessary for you to free yourselves from the content of words, for words refer to idols.' Thus did Bacon, Bacon of Verulam, introduce the misunderstanding of speech into our newly-arrived, fifth post-Atlantean epoch. Under the direction of the spiritual world, he began to drive out mankind's old feeling that language can contain the spirit. He referred to all substantial concepts and all universal concepts as idols. And he distinguished various categories of idols, for he went about his work very thoroughly."

Bradford continues;

Steiner was very generous with his insights for Francis Bacon. Steiner knew that the spiritual world was assisting in erecting this threshold of thinking and in its Berlin Wall of thinking Earth life and Earth Science would be bottled up in the human domain. We have come to know these inspired forces of materialistic word smiths as Spin Doctors. Current spin doctoring and materialistic thought Idols knock the Consciousness Soul and Intellect off guard. The roots of these Idols of Bacon, go back to Nominalism and Realism.

All of these issues were hot buttoned by Steiner to keep our eyes and ears peeled. It amounts to a focused investigation into "those who have eyes to see and ears to hear". An elaboration of this rich concept and an elaboration of all of the details of Christianity is what Steiner did so well. He entered the Earthly sphere armed with the potential of antidoting the materialism served as thought forces to deny the Christ Event its validity. Plus he set markers down for us to follow with our intelligence so that we would not be lost.

Nominalism and Realism and the Idols of Language would, will and has infected the notions of souls walking blindly who fail to train 'eyes to see and ears to hear'. Steiner had a heck of a time crafting a language dipped in still warmed spirit reference and meaning. Here his degree as St. Thomas and Angel Doctor in the world of thinking served to rebuild the shattered bridge to the core of thought and human spiritual activity. However, our training, as Michael Students, apparently wasn't going to pay off in spades until the sixth epoch. Steiner's work amounts to an active training ground in reworking conceptual foundations in order to build pathways back to a refined Christ Reality.


"Nevertheless, the initial task of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch was to develop materialism. To a certain extent, it was necessary for materialism to be introduced. Therefore, this fifth post-Atlantean epoch requires one to really wrestle with the inauguration of materialism — or, better said, the initiation of the world into materialism and into materialistic thinking, feeling and experiencing. That had to come from two sides. In the first place, people had to be convinced that the salvation of humanity lay in materialism and in treating the world as nothing but matter — naturally, it was only salvation for the materialistic streams of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch, but it always was presented as being universal (...)

But in order to do so, humanity must acquire something it has not had before: it must be able to deal with the external, mechanical, materialistic world in order to discover the next, central task of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch.

For, from the present time onward, spiritual science must begin to play a role in this epoch. But, as you will be able to judge from the resistance which it encounters, it will not establish its validity quickly and will only realise its full significance during the sixth post-Atlantean epoch. That is how things stand. For everything materialistic will continue to be a source of essential opposition during the whole of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. That is one aspect."

Bradford continues;

So as we witness and participate in our richly rewarding materialistic culture, we are asked to incubate a spiritual conception of the world. But as researcher we have to be able to see the trail of specific markers that reveal a path. Ancient battles of Nominalism and Realism were initial shattering constructs. Right now today we may say, pooh, pooh, I see right wing and I see left wing and a two party system. That is what everyone wants you to see. Good vs Evil etc. But Orwell smelled something fishy and his nose entered into a world of Double Speak. But Steiner had paved the way for thinking to approach and define, as Orwell did, Ahrimanic numbing of will and conscience.

In order to see how the Consciousness Soul via the Ahrimanized Intellect begins to nurture Asuric like eggs it is important to follow the fault line. So Steiner was indicating that materialism and Ahriman's role in materialism was something we would have to face and learn and fight for ourselves in the landscape of DoubleSpeak. First let us look at some current double speak and some of its early constructs.

"In Nazi Germany (before the concentration camps became death camps) "undesirables" were "placed in protective custody" or "resettled". In Australia "illegals" are held in "Immigration Reception and Processing Centres" behind "energised fences", receiving regular "security checks" and occasional "extractions". Their "inappropriate behaviours" are not allowed to "manipulate public policy".

In 1946, George Orwell wrote Politics and Language, in which he exposed the deceits and devices of doublespeak. He might have thought that it would lose its power once its workings were revealed. But he would be disappointed. Language is as powerful now as in 1933: it can hide shocking truth, it can deceive a nation, it can hand electoral victory to the morally bankrupt."

"In his closing address at Nuremberg, US prosecutor Robert Jackson said:

"Nor is the lie direct the only means of falsehood. They [the Defendants] all speak with a Nazi double talk with which to deceive the unwary. In the Nazi dictionary of sardonic euphemisms "final solution" of the Jewish problem was a phrase which meant extermination "special treatment" of prisoners of war meant killing; "protective custody" meant concentration camp; "duty labor" meant slave labor; and an order to "take a firm attitude" or "take positive measures" meant to act with unrestrained savagery."

The war in Vietnam produced such doublespeak expressions as:

Collateral damage (killing innocent civilians)

Removal with extreme prejudice (assassination)

Energetic disassembly (nuclear explosion)

Limited duration protective reaction air strikes (bombing villages in Vietnam)

Incontinent ordnance (bombs which hit schools and hospitals by mistake)

Active defence (invasion).

Doublespeak uses language to smuggle uncomfortable ideas into comfortable minds. The Nazi regime were masters at it.


coalition of the willing: coalition of the coerced

shock and awe: massive bombing

axis of evil: countries to be attacked; Bush administration hitlist

defense: war (as in Department of Defense, formed by the merging of the Department of War and Department of the Navy).

intelligence: spies or secrets

human intelligence: spies

asset (CIA term): foreign spy

collateral damage: bystander casualties

neutralize: kill

freedom fighter: armed political rebel (positive term)

terrorist: armed political rebel (negative term).

wet work: assassination

pre-hostility: peace

classified: secret.

In World War II, secret information was distinguished into classes corresponding to increasing levels of security clearances (more doublespeak there), and came to be called classified information (as in "classified for a particular clearance").

unclassified: not secret.

vertically deployed anti-personnel devices: bombs

pro-growth tax policies: tax cuts for the wealthy

decapitation strike: turn of phrase recently used to describe the bombing of structures where military or political leaders are assumed to be.

Steiner continues;

[Bacon the founder of Science] " (...)there are certain words that have simply arisen out of people's need to live together. Men believe that these words designate something real. These words are idols of the clan, of the people, idols of the tribe. Then, once men start to understand the world, they attempt to mix an erroneous spirituality into their way of seeing things. The knowledge mankind obtains arises as though in a cave; but to the extent that he hauls the external world into this cave, man creates words for what he would like to know. These words also refer to something unreal. They are the idols of the cave: idola specis. There are still other kinds of idols — words, that is — that designate non-existent entities. These arise out of the fact that men are not just gathered together into races or peoples by virtue of their blood relationships, but because they also form associations in order to manage one thing and another — and, indeed, more and more is being managed, so that ultimately everything will be managed. Soon a person will not be able to walk about in the world without having a doctor on his left side and a policeman on his right to see that he is thoroughly `managed'. Is that not so? Bacon says that other unreal entities, along with the words that express them, have arisen because of this. These unreal entities stem from our living together in the market-place; they are the idols of the market-place: idola fori. Then, there are yet other idols which arise when science creates mere names. Naturally, there are frightfully many of this kind. For if you were to set all our lecture cycles before Bacon, with all they contain about spiritual matters, all the words referring to spiritual things would be idols of this kind. These are the idols that Bacon believes to be the most dangerous, for one feels especially protected by them, believing that they contain real knowledge: these are the idola theatri. This theatre is an inner one where mankind creates a spectacle of concepts for itself. The concepts are no more real than are the characters on the stage of a theatre. All the idols expressed in words are of these four kinds.

And learning to see through these idols is to provide the salvation of human knowledge - this was inaugurated by Bacon of Verulam. The idols must be understood, their idol-like character, their character of unreality, must be recognised, so that we can at last turn our attention towards reality. But if all these species of idols are removed, nothing remains but the five senses. Everyone can prove this for themselves. Notice has thereby been served on humanity of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch: although we need the idols and the words that express them as a kind of common currency, they are only seen in the correct light when we recognise their character as idols, their unreal character. We need them as currency for the tribe, or for individual knowledge, or the market-place we share. We even need them for scientific investigations, for the inner theatre. But only that which the hands can grasp and the eyes can see is to be accepted as real — only what can be investigated in the chemical laboratory, in the experiments of the physicist, in the clinic. The important book which gave Bacon of Verulam's doctrine of the idols to the fifth post- Atlantean epoch inaugurated this way of looking at the world; it is the classic source. And such a book shows us how the very thing that, from a certain point of view, must be resisted, nevertheless can make its appearance in the world in accordance with the rightful cosmic plan. The fifth post-Atlantean epoch had to develop materialism. Therefore the programme for materialism had to be introduced from out of the spiritual world. And the first stage of the programme of materialism is contained in the doctrine of the idols, which did away with the old Aristotelian doctrine that words refer to categories which have real significance.

Today, humanity is already very advanced along the course of regarding anything that is not perceivable by the senses as idols. Bacon is the great inaugurator of the science of idols. Why, then, should the spiritual world not employ the same head that was intended to draw mankind's attention to the idol-like character of speech, to introduce also the practical details of what more or less appears to be a materialistic paradise on earth? In any case, it was essential to present it in a light that would seem paradisiacal to the materialistic frame of mind that had to emerge in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch. This age needed some corresponding practical ideal. An age which had these views on language was bound to respond to the idea or applying its mechanics to neighbouring spheres of the heavens."

Bradford concludes;

Having filtered out what the Heavens Mean, and how STar Knowledge was connected to Incarnation, Embyrology and the stunning concept of THE FINISHED WORK OF THE GODS" dead space, dead matter, vacuums, empty lies, spin and shrunken mental education could swarm with its intense infection down to every newpaper owned and operated by some Corporate Ahriman lacky, like Rupert Murdoch. Murder or Mordoc or Murdoch is simply brilliant. What is seen in PS or attempts by DD or the Newt Gingrich is a brilliant thinking capacity that has no idea about the cosmic history here outlined or a clear Consciousness Soul danger that humanity faces.

Brilliance and cunning are enough for so many mortals trained in the double speak of current education and enormous monopoplies of the empire of Ahriman have hyjacked the intellect from much of humanity. Steiner re-built a conceptual and thinking bridge, with solid penetrating research that allows us to see how FActs, Truth and Reality have become numb and distorted in the language of the Consciousness Soul.



From: holderlin66
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 7:25 am
Subject: Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

--- In [email protected], holderlin66 wrote:

Bradford adds;

The Language of the Consciousness Soul has had some very important Linguistic researchers. These are very, very important. If we intend to penetrate the mysteries of our Age, we have to see where Bacon, Francis Bacon forged a Language of Materialism. But we need to connect some dots so that we see the stunning value of Steiner and his research. Just how potent was it?

Nietzsche was a Linguist. Tolkien was a Linguist; Steiner was so much more than a Linguist that any newbie would be stunned to see the in depth research of Language and the Word that Steiner delivered. Newbies have no idea how each Consonant and Each vowel was so deeply penetrated and language so raised up out of the sea of LOGOS research that the very Sounds we speak were re-connected to the gods. Therefore the House of the Word is hardly a joke. You merely have to ask any Graduate of the House of the Word and they will unfold mystery upon mystery of each aspect of Language.

But for the Intellect, to be a linguist, as Nietzche was, also was boon to Ahriman. Bacon served the very core of Materialistic thinking and outlined and created an Altar of Idols where Spin Doctors, Science and Education could worship and promote a stream of thickening materialism, like cement that would encase the soul. Now here is the point where we can say, that the Individual I AM must roll away the stone, break the concrete and come to terms with conceptual thinking patterns that are extremely infected.

Each human being is a Ring Bearer; Each human Being must roll away the stone of materialism and penetrate thinkings Roman guards. Each person must hear the tone of the Risen Christ not only calling Magdalene but in our own inner beings. Therefore and with many other targeted I AM tools, each human being must free themselves from the pagan altars of materialism.

This is an ancient choice that can now be made consciously between what happened in Atlantis, between TAO and TAOTL. See a glimpse now of how Races were being formed in ancient Atlantis and that which out of the 15th century into the present, how Ahriman became master of the SuperRacial spin. Now we see into the ancient rift that even started the sinking of Atlantis in the first place. Now Ahriman has an alternate scientific language and a voice to declare his version of TAOTL. It is our choice now because we did not have the soul strength to choose consciously in Ancient Atlantis.

Now I offer one more odd Linguist to the list. I offer what amounts to an Intellectual Soul who has daringly and constantly entered the world of concepts and Rhetoric, Spin and deception and by merely using the tools of dry intellect, peeled away the surface of what lies hidden beneath.

I offer an example of a follow up here to what was previously outlined on this thread. However for the Newbie and for others, you can hardly even arise to a conception of how profoundly Dr. Steiner penetrated into the mysteries of thinking and Word. Orwell was less radical than Dr. Steiner. Dr. Steiner was the Nietzsche for the Christ Event. While the following writer has dryly battled, without ever claiming spiritual cognition, but merely in the world of dry political facts, has offered only a parched drip of insight compared to Dr. Steiner's Well at Samaria.

Tolkien's great glamorous making of a Language for Orcs and Elves etc is kids stuff, yet does Steiner get credit of penetrating the secrets of Bacon and out Orwelling Orwell; or for solidly and Scientifically penetrating the most profound depth of the Alpahabet and Language? No. Stupidity cannot measure or compare realities. Tolkien is impressive but Steiner and his Language, Word and Eurythmy research is astonishing.

We live in in perpetual numbed silliness. Tolkien very well experimented in Language but really failed to see that Consonants and Vowels are dried and broken fragments of Forces a.) in the Zodiac and; b.) Vowels operate as echos of the planets. There is no language that does not consist of consonants and vowels except the African tongue clicking language. Every different culture and different language uses the same tools, consonants and vowels. Am I accurate in my comparisons? You damn well bet I am and you can take it straight to the bank and cash it in.

But Steiner insisted, against Bacon and Ahriman's thousands of lackies, including Rupert Murdoch, that Language, the Logos and the Spirit were profoundly rooted in the both the Zodiac and Planetary system and these were active as etheric componants in Speech and Gesture. Steiner's research out shines anything Tolkien could have invented because it is accurate, correct and carries the Christ Mystery in the very foundations of all Languages. The inspiration of Language that hovers over understanding each other in Tongues of flame is a Science in the Michael School. Therefore Steiner penetrated the Language of the Consciousness Soul with Spirit Self and Angelic bearing Intelligence. Does Steiner get credit for such shattering historical research? No. Thank heavens for the Eurythmy Schools and students of the world. They don't normally speak about the art of Language, but if they did, they would shout exactly what I am revealing.

Here is a Man, the example I am about to give, who has made his reputation as a Linguist and merely stands there in the dry, crumbled catastrophe of the Intellectual Soul and boringly repeats exactly what the Intellect denies and fails to detect. This individual has spent his life detecting the merest fragment of a mystery that Steiner dwarfed everyone with. So the problem is to understand the Intellectual Soul capacity against the Spirit Self capacity and realize how much humanity remains Dazed and Confused in the barbed wire of Prisoners of the Intellect and in Mental concentration camps that now call themselves the Media.

"The first remark has to do with the title. The title that was announced was after the war, which is a good topic. We should be concerned with what is coming ahead, but any title like that, especially in the United States requires kind of a word of caution. There is a trap which is deeply rooted in the intellectual culture, and we have to avoid it. The trap is the doctrine that I sometimes call the doctrine of change of course. It's a doctrine that's invoked every two or three years in the United States. The content of the doctrine is yes, in the past, we did some wrong things because of our innocence or out of inadvertence, but now that's all over, so we can't not waste any more time on this boring, stale stuff, which incidentally we suppressed and denied while it was happening, but must now be effaced from history as we march forward to a glorious future.

[Brad notes Orwell 'glorious future']

"And if you look, it is literally every two or three years that the doctrine is invoked. There is a qualification. We are permitted, in fact, required to recall with great horror the misdeeds of official enemies, and we're also required to admire with awe, our own magnificent achievements in the past in both categories, relying in no small measure on self-serving reconstructions, which quickly collapse if you follow the path of paying attention to the facts, but fortunately, that dangerous course is excluded by the convenient doctrine of change of course, which blocks any such heresies.

"The doctrine is entirely understandable on the part of those who are engaged in criminal enterprises, which means just about any power system, any system of concentrated power past and present, and of course, it includes its acolytes, one of the major commitments of respected intellectuals right throughout history is to be the acolytes of the systems of power.

"Since intellectuals write history, but it doesn't look like that, you have to be cautious about what people write about themselves. If you look carefully, you will find that the course -- the doctrine is dishonest, cowardly, but has advantages. It does protect us from the danger of understanding what's happening before our eyes, and, therefore, inducing the kind of conformism that is useful to systems of power and domination. So, it has its advantages.

"In any event, the word after in the title is appropriate but with some qualifications that should be kept in mind. And what has happened before, if we escape the domination of the doctrine, what has happened before can be expected to persist for elementary reasons. Policies and actions are rooted in institutions. There's some variation, but limited. The institutions are stable. Therefore, it's only reasonable to expect the policies and actions to persist, adopt adapted to circumstances. If you want to understand anything about the world that is to come, and have any influence on the way it evolves, more than useful to keep this in mind."

Bradford concludes;

You wish to know and most of you do know what constitutes the Michael School capacity. It is as Golden has said, Discernment. The Father of modern science and Terminology of materialism, is none other than Lord Bacon. Is it true that Haroun al Rashid and the ambassador for the Arthurians and Grail community were on speaking terms in one life? Was the Grail ambassador killed instead of Parsifal? Yes. What does that mean to you? It means a great deal to Ahriman though.

Here we are at the Raschid Hotel in Baghdad but what undercurrent spiritual conflicts are we missing in the mighty history that has brought on Materialism, dense, cement, lead boots, Mafia slippers and underwater gear, that demanded the compensation and the counterpunch effort Dr. Steiner offered as antidote to Bacon? Well, if in conversation with anybody, you would have to say, If I told you I would have to kill you. A part of you, if you really understand this, would have to shrivel up. Ahriman shrivels up when we truly understand these relationships.

Steiner's profound and solid research outshines Orwell, out Neizsche's Nietsche, Out Bacon's Bacon; Crushes Chomsky; and towers above Tolkien. Do we have yet, any comprehension of what Spiritual Science means to humanity? Not even a farthling. These are lessons in measuring the difference between mighty Earthly streams; the infection of Ahriman in the intellect; Language use and the Consciousness Soul; and how to create the capacity of intuition to hear the voice out of the Devachan tone ethers that Magdalene heard in her soul just outside the tomb.

When we break out of the Intellectual Soul entombment and understand the nature of Spiritual Science you will be able to hear and have eyes to see and ears to hear with. You will carry the Magdalene experience in your soul. Heck, you might even start to like Eurythmy.

Steiner shall not be shrunk because petty minds wish to shrink Steiner to their pettiness. Objectivity will not allow such trivia. I merely demonstrate here the historical depth of research that Steiner reveals that outshines and sweeps up in his wake thinkers, writers, fiction, movies that reveal a truly Great Soul. Come to it when you please, it stands there as a fact. It is not Steiner that is loaded with errors, it is us.



From: Steinerhead
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 8:32 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

In a message dated 1/9/04 Bradford writes:

Tolkien's great glamorous making of a Language for Orcs and Elves etc is kids stuff, yet does Steiner get credit of penetrating the secrets of Bacon and out Orwelling Orwell; or for solidly and Scientifically penetrating the most profound depth of the Alpahabet and Language? No. Stupidity cannot measure or compare realities. Tolkien is impressive but Steiner and his Language, Word and Eurythmy research is astonishing.

Thanks for a very penetrating post Bradford. This past summer I had my first eurythmy and speech classes. In our first eurythmy class we could not form a simple circle as a group (there were twenty-four of us). But after we practiced through some movements, we quite naturally ended our class in what looked like a perfect circle. It was then that I realized an inkling of what eurythmy has to offer, and the genius from whence it came.

The speech classes were quite profound as well. It became quite obvious when someone was really projecting with there imagination (ethericly?) as apposed to proper pronunciation.

Thanks for bringing me back. I hope I can somehow manage to go there again this coming summer.

Truth and Love



From: holderlin66
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 9:16 am
Subject: Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

--- In [email protected], Steinerhead wrote:

It was then that I realized an inkling of what eurythmy has to offer, and the genius from whence it came.

The speech classes were quite profound as well. It became quite obvious when someone was really projecting with there imagination (ethericly?) as apposed to proper pronunciation.

Thanks for bringing me back. I hope I can somehow manage to go there again this coming summer.

No my friend it is I that thank you. I know what a long journey it is to come to critical discernment. As they say in other community contexts, ' you go girl'..errr wait, maybe that's not it. Sorry I got my communities mixed up..Is this the Anima and Animus discussion group on how to find my inner female? I get so confused, so many clamoring rights groups and so little time. Seriously Mike, it is great to hear all of your posts lighting up with brotherhood and honesty.



From: b m
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 9:29 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

Your long post are possibly the closest thing I ever found to legally tripping, and as such I'd like you to know I do greatly enjoy reading them, my friend. However, while doing it, I'm constantly reminded of a famous French saying which I am going to (very poorly) translate here: Words were given to man so that he could hide his thoughts.


From: holderlin66
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 10:37 am
Subject: Oops!

Sorry, I put two shots into the beast. I needed only one shot, but I pressed the trigger twice to make sure it was dead.



From: golden3000997
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 4:44 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

Anybody read my article "The Waldorf Approach to Reading" that I uploading here?



From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sat Jan 10, 2004 8:32 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

At 18:29 09.01.2004, Bryan wrote:

Your long post are possibly the closest thing I ever found to legally tripping, and as such I'd like you to know I do greatly enjoy reading them, my friend.

I'll second that. Bradford's posts knock me out, and I'm so glad he's here and that he keeps his trippy ruminations coming. But are you absolutely sure they're completely legal? They don't feel that way. The only kind of safe and legal tripping I can think of, is Frank Sinatra singing, "Flying high with a gal in the sky is my idea of nothin' to do; and I get a kick out of you."




From: b m
Date: Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Countering Asuras in the Consciousness Soul

Tarjei Straume wrote:

The only kind of safe and legal tripping I can think of, is Frank Sinatra singing, "Flying high with a gal in the sky is my idea of nothin' to do; and I get a kick out of you."


What about The Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand" as Mr. Bob Dylan first understood it (true story):

"And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I get high, I get high, I get high..."

The lyrics actually go "I can't hide", of course. And if you listen carefully to them singing - you hear what you want, of course.



From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Mon Jan 12, 2004 2:24 pm
Subject: When Bob Dylan turned the Beatles on

At 22:47 12.01.2004, Bryan wrote:

What about The Beatles "I Want to Hold Your Hand" as Mr. Bob Dylan first understood it (true story):

"And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I get high, I get high, I get high..."

The lyrics actually go "I can't hide", of course. And if you listen carefully to them singing - you hear what you want, of course.

Do I know the story! It's one of the most legendary moments in 20th century cultural history! That was how the Beatles were introduced to marijuana and got high for the first time! Bob Dylan attended a Beatles concert in England in the early days of their fame, and when the show was over, he went back stage and got them high with some grass. Dylan was surprised to learn that the Beatles had never smoked before; he thought they did when they sang "I get high," and that was why he had lit up. Well, when they told him that the lyrics were "I can't hide," they all laughed like only stoned people can and became good friends.

Far out, man :)



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