Diana about Tarjei and childish complaints

From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:39 am
Subject: Diana about Tarjei and childish complaints

Diana Winters unsubs from the AT and writes about me on the WC.

Jan 29, 2004, she goes:

Peter F. wrote:

"G'day Diana,
I wanted to thank you for sharing some of your experiences at anthroposophy tomorrow. I had a quick look through a lot of the messages there and it cured me of some of my desire to see some of the DOFs contributing here."

I only did it because Tarjei kept baiting us, we were all cowards and low-lifes if we wouldn't debate them on their own ground (etc.)

I apologize for having baited you. And if I have ever called you a low-life, I am deeply ashamed and I beg your forgiveness.

It got tiresome faster than I expected. Too much juvenile behavior. People ignore you, go on talking and refer to you as TRAILER TRASH in another post.

Dear fellow AT subscribers: Please stop this juvenile behavior immediately and don't call our distinguished guests Trailer Trash. Shame on you.

Their refusal to participate here is mainly because they are very upset that Waldorf critics archives are posted twice on the Web once at Topica and once at the PLANS website. Stuff has a double shot at coming up on a google search, in other words, and they don't want to add to it.

It's true that many of us do not wish to contribute to PLANS' ratings on the search engines. They've even used paid ads on Google to achieve their goal, but these ads were dumped by Google when they discovered that PLANS is a hate group and that their ads are therefore misleading.

To my knowledge, nobody has been "very upset" about how the WC messages are published, although some people may have reacted against their private email with clear prohibition against publishing, has been published nevertheless. Dan Dugan calls this practice normal for newspapers and says that writing to him is like writing to a newspaper. Sorry, newspapers don't behave that way. Editors even go to prison to protect their sources. This is just another example of the moral bankrutcy of the PLANS-WC cult.

I think it's rather childish to complain about this, it's not as if the pro-Waldorf stuff on the web isn't 600 times in volume of the criticism.

Does anyone know if someone has actually complained (to PLANS or the cybercops or whatever) about how the WC posts are published, or is Diana full of hot air here?

800 Waldorf schools world wide, each puts up a web site, do we complain we are being treated unfairly because the quote from Steiner about receiving the child in love and reverence etc. is repeated 800 times on the World Wide Web?

I don't know what the PLANS-WC cult complains about or not. But who has complained about unfair treatment, and where? What's this stuff from?




From: Mike Helsher
Date: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:27 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Diana about Tarjei and childish complaints


Diana Winters unsubs from the AT and writes about me on the WC.

Jan 29, 2004, she goes:

Peter F. wrote:

"G'day Diana,
I wanted to thank you for sharing some of your experiences at anthroposophy tomorrow. I had a quick look through a lot of the messages there and it cured me of some of my desire to see some of the DOFs contributing here."

I only did it because Tarjei kept baiting us, we were all cowards and low-lifes if we wouldn't debate them on their own ground (etc.)

I apologize for having baited you. And if I have ever called you a low-life, I am deeply ashamed and I beg your forgiveness.


I commend Dianna as well. She had the courage to jump in over here, much like The DOF's did years ago over there. I find it interesting that the Peter's haven't found the courage to to do so as well.

Whats up with that?



From: bryanmillermail
Date: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:54 pm
Subject: Re: Diana about Tarjei and childish complaints

Diana wrote in WC novilingua:

It got tiresome faster than I expected. Too much juvenile behavior. People ignore you, go on talking and refer to you as TRAILER TRASH in another post.

Here goes the translation for those not familiar with the aforementioned language:

"I couldn't really answer their arguments so I came up with the classic excuse that it got tiresome in order to get the hell out of there with some of my pride and illusions still intact. Too much behaviour that was not cheery and agreable as here in the WC with you guys who think like me. People ignore you, (how dare they!), go on talking about things that don't interest you (how dare they!!!) and refer to you as TRAILER TRASH in another post*."

*Translators note: I didn't understand this last sentence myself. It must be in some obscure dialect. Or maybe she meant TROLL TRASH?



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