The Great Cosmic Struggle

From: dottie zold
Date: Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:49 pm
Subject: The Great Cosmic Struggle

Hi Kim and Andrea,

In looking at this area of where Andrea has pointed us I am so amazed at how perfectly these two beings fit into the whole Christianity stream. As if they were the originators in a sense. This has led me to contemplate the idea that if Christ is in all of us would not Lucifer be as well? I have for a few years recognized Lucifer as a part of who we are but it seems to beg the question of what would lead us to this thought and how can it be shown through a logical thought process?

I also find it so interesting that the period of time that these two mythical figures lived was called The Great Cosmic Struggle. How appropriate for an incarnational time of Lucifer.

In looking through this book called The Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood I find a pattern, although not noted by the author, of Crone, Maiden, Daughter. Even unto the ancient Aztec traditions. These are really seperate beings that are connected through an ongoing evolution of time and understandings.

This website I found while looking for Fu Hi speaks to a little more than the others I have shared. There is a book called Chuang Tze where one can find ancient writings on the discoveries by Fu Hi. This Fu Hi seems to have founded the eight strokes that the I Ching is formed in. Pretty astounding when sensing into these things.

I'd like to know how Lucifer and by whom Lucifer was understood to be Satan?

Questions questions questions,


From: dottie zold
Date: Sat Jan 31, 2004 8:28 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] The Great Cosmic Struggle

Dragons I Ching and DNA

I have the absolute worst luck in these things. Here it is again:


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