
From: golden3000997
Date: Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:37 am
Subject: Perspective

And the Waldorf Critics waste time worrying about the level of Christianity in Waldorf Schools or Waldorf Charter Schools! It's like worrying about a mosquito when there is a rattlesnake poised to strike your bare leg!!

"The Christian community has a golden opportunity to train an army of dedicated teachers who can invade the public school classrooms and use them to influence the nation for Christ."
--D. James Kennedy, "Education: Public Problems and Private Solutions," Coral Ridge Ministries, 1993


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 25, 2004 2:02 pm
Subject: PLANS and their Right-Wing Fundies

At 19:37 25.01.2004, Christine wrote:

And the Waldorf Critics waste time worrying about the level of Christianity in Waldorf Schools or Waldorf Charter Schools! It's like worrying about a mosquito when there is a rattlesnake poised to strike your bare leg!!

"The Christian community has a golden opportunity to train an army of dedicated teachers who can invade the public school classrooms and use them to influence the nation for Christ."
--D. James Kennedy, "Education: Public Problems and Private Solutions," Coral Ridge Ministries, 1993

This is precious, Christine. A little clarification: We're not talking about the anthroposophical Christian Community Church here, but about the Religious Right, also called The Moral Mafia. As Fank Zappa once put it, "If you ain't born again, they're gonna mess you up."

This right-wing religious shadow from the darkest of the Middle Age is an eager sponsor of PLANS. At PLANS, they're in cahoots with hardcore atheists who don't see the difference between Jesus Christ and the Easter Bunny, or between Bugs Bunny and the Holy Spirit, because they have a declared common enemy: Anthroposophy and Waldorf. They're targeting the former with every dirty trick in the book in order to get at the latter. A wise man once said that politics makes strange bedfellows, and I have pointed out on a previous occasion that this reminds me of an incident in Sweden when the police arrested some neo-Nazis, and one of their members was a black Muslim.

On the PLANS website, president Debra Snell writes:

"People for Legal and Non-Sectarian Schools (PLANS) is a world-wide network of former Waldorf parents, teachers, students, administrators and trustees who come from a variety of backgrounds with a common goal: to educate the public about the reality behind Waldorf's facade of progressive, arts-based education."

A neo-Nazi organization could use a similar intro:

"People for Racial Separation and Schools Free From Judeo-Christian Influence (SEPINF) is a world-wide network of former Christians, ex-Jews , former Liberals, parents, teachers, students, administrators and trustees who come from a variety of backgrounds with a common goal: to educate the public about the reality behind Jewry, Liberalism, and Christianity's facade of colorful harmony, spirituality, and progressive education."

A variety of backgrounds, oh yes. The fascist fundies have gone to bed with people they condemn to Hell for unbelief, blasphemy, sacrilege, and secularism. Christian trigger-happy, death-penalty-loving, gay-bashing, teenage-pregnancy-loathing superhawks in bed with godless, atheist anarchists! All in the name of hatred against Steiner and Anthroposophy! Gotta be a strong force!

Incidentally, Walden seems perplexed about my calling the PLANS-WC cult morally bankrupt, oblivious of the fact that I picked it up from Dan Dugan some time in May or June 2001, when he made a remark about "the moral bankruptcy of the Steiner cult." They're getting their own medicine and don't understand what's hitting them or why.

Walden ends his post by quoting my tongue-in-cheek intro to the WC list in January 1999, when I was trolling Dan about being an anthro-cult victim seeking deprogramming, which he manages to construe as my moral bankruptcy. Hello?

As a response to my remark that if Anthroposophy is to be considered a religion, it should be treated with respect and honor, Peter S responds like a reptile in his latest WC post by comparing the Anthroposophical Movement to:

"The Creativity Movement, formerly the World Church of the Creator, which urges its adherents to engage in "Racial Holy War" against Jews and people of color. The doctrines of this religion deserve neither respect nor honor."

Peter F is arguing that a scientist doesn't have to be moral, and he's right. That's where the redemption of science through spiritualization comes into the picture. And it wouldn't surprise me if Joel returned to argue in favor of amoral science AND amoral occultism. That can be a blast.




From: golden3000997
Date: Sun Jan 25, 2004 3:18 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] PLANS and their Right-Wing Fundies

Naw, it's not the Steiner "Christian Community" Dr. James Kennedy is in Coral Ridge - just a few miles down the road from my house in the "Crystal Cathedral". My neighbor, Betty watches his TV program every Sunday. Just makes me feel ALL KINDS of warm and secure!!

"Now, isn't that Special?"

: ) Christine


From: holderlin66
Date: Sun Jan 25, 2004 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: PLANS and their Right-Wing Fundies

--- In [email protected], Tarjei Straume wrote:

This right-wing religious shadow from the darkest of the Middle Age is an eager sponsor of PLANS. At PLANS, they're in cahoots with hardcore atheists who don't see the difference between Jesus Christ and the Easter Bunny, or between Bugs Bunny and the Holy Spirit, because they have a declared common enemy: Anthroposophy and Waldorf. They're targeting the former with every dirty trick in the book in order to get at the latter. A wise man once said that politics makes strange bedfellows,

Bradford sees the same beast;

Firstly, glasses raised, superb Daniel, simply superb! Secondly the same odor of deadly character assassin spin has worked its way to the quiet town of Spiritual Science. Why? Well we know why. For example, from out of this same stream of Ahrimanic sewage, we are going to a knock down drag out in Time Spirit Wars.

" Remember, please, that Karl Rove, who runs the Bush apparatus, cut his teeth as a "Dirty Trickster" for Richard Nixon. Bush's father was elected in 1988 in the infamous "Willie Horton" campaign, the most racist in modern history.

These amoral assassins will fling the lowest available dirt on whoever got in their way, and nobody has mastered the craft better than Rove. With unlimited money to spend, your worst ethical nightmare is their bottom line.

But we're seeing a pattern here. Every time Bush jumps in the polls, he slumps back down."

Bradford continues;

Oh I have seen this beast in Waldorf and roaming like a wild cur in Anthroposophical circles as well. Waves of machination and destructive sly, back handed, backroom ice.. When we look at Dylan and the Soul heart forces of those who freely wing their way over this fallen electronic system...It astonishes me that opinions get so distorted and bent. It comes from bent lenses of the soul. It shouldn't astonish me, but it does.

But my sense is that we have massive array of extended Michael School observers, participants and Intellectually clear minded souls, but I also sense what Steiner clearly indicated. This is going to require all hands on deck in this Michael slice of the Time Spirit, so that this monster of Right Wing - vicious Nominalism doesn't eat humanities lunch. It is very, very nip and tuck.

Ya all bin great
Watch your backs.


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