The President a Liar and Murderer


From: lightsearcher1
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 11:17 am
Subject: The President a Liar and Murderer

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The President a Liar and Murderer

(I will document that in a moment, but first I wish to share...)

I am obtaining high-delight watching Pontifex Bradimus and others getting their pink-panties in a twist as the U.S. Democratic Party implodes upon itself.

(-- the capture of Hussein and the improving economy is really all too much for lemmings, they are all beginning to emotionally hyper-ventilate and rush off the nearest hyperbolic cliffs) --

Ad infinitum we hear the pot-headed Left proclaiming: "Shrub is a Liar"

Well, I just did a diligent search and could find NO citation that Bush ever lied to the level of MAGNITUDE of LIES that the U.S. Democratic Party foisted on us during the Twentieth Century.

= = = = = = = = = = = =


Lying Democratic Party Batards (namely, their U.S. Presidents) --

I. - Campaigning for reelection in BOSTON on October 30, 1940, Franklin Delano Roosevelt personally SWORE:

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again. -- Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."

-- a.) Lying bastard? b.)No Lying Bastard? --


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

II. - In October 1964, seeking to gain election by portraying himself as the peace candidate (in contrast to the alleged mad bomber Barry Goldwater), LBJ told a crowd at Akron University:

"We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves."

-- a.) Lying bastard? b.)No Lying Bastard? --


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

III. - Democratic Party Mass Murder


From: lightsearcher1
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 11:34 am
Subject: Re: President a Liar and Murderer

--- In [email protected], "lightsearcher1" wrote:

III. - Democratic Party Mass Murder

To prevent anyone's panties getting even more sharply twisted-er, this was a sharp PARODY ONLY.

Namely, a parody of the hyperbolic hyper-ventilation of the Left at this historic moment.

I * do not * in fact actually believe that Harry T was a "mass murderer."

But this is the exact kind of high-pitched wailing that the Left launches as their panties now get into ever tighter twists as election year moves foward.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

P.S. -- Imagine Al Quaida blows off a dirty bomb in the U.S. Capitol building prior to the election.

Do you think the citizens of the United States would flee to the apron strings of the Democratic Party?



From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 7:05 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: President a Liar and Murderer

At 20:34 03.01.2004, lightsearcher1 wrote:

I * do not * in fact actually believe that Harry T was a "mass murderer."

Nah, he only nodded his OK to the obliteration of a city during a poker game. Wiping out men, women, and children, old and young, like that isn't murder, it isn't slaughter, it's honest and honorable killing, and they were just casualties of war. If you're gonna make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs. Tough luck for the five-year-old who happens to be an egg then. Frying this kid doesn't make the cook a murderer. And the state of the survivors, whose backs were without skin for years to come, doesn't make the cooks torturers. It's just war, and War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.

But this is the exact kind of high-pitched wailing that the Left launches as their panties now get into ever tighter twists as election year moves foward.

I guess this means that people on the Right don't wear panties at all. If Republican housewives wear panties, they make sure they're so slack they almost drop, because tight panties might awaken the wrath of their guru Jerry Falwell and prophet Pat Robertson. Sexy Republican women in tight panties may be suspected of doubting that the world is flat, which is mandatory theology for all Republicans who have attended Sunday school.

When you hear high-pitched wailing, it's the Republican males who are reacting to the drops of their wives' and girlfriends' panties. It's the same wails that used to be heard at night from beneath the hoods of them white sheets.....

. . . . . . . . . . . .

P.S. -- Imagine Al Quaida blows off a dirty bomb in the U.S. Capitol building prior to the election.

Do you think the citizens of the United States would flee to the apron strings of the Democratic Party?

Hopefully, he citizens of the United States would not act in unison. That suggestion in itself is an insult against all cool heads and independent thinkers who happen to be citizens of the U.S., which ought to be a fact of lesser importance than their awareness of how current events are being manipulated from beyond the threshold.

But many would flee to the apron strings of the generals with the biggest bombs - a phenomenon once observed by JFK.


I beg your pardon?



From: holderlin66
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 2:53 pm
Subject: Re: The President a Liar and Murderer

--- In [email protected], lightsearcher1 wrote:

Bradford delights in your delight and below is something that delights me even more.

Lightsearcher wrote;

I am obtaining high-delight watching Pontifex Bradimus and others getting their pink-panties in a twist as the U.S. Democratic Party implodes upon itself.

(-- the capture of Hussein and the improving economy is really all too much for lemmings, they are all beginning to emotionally hyper-ventilate and rush off the nearest hyperbolic cliffs) --

Ad infinitum we hear the pot-headed Left proclaiming: "Shrub is a Liar"

Well, I just did a diligent search and could find NO citation that Bush ever lied to the level of MAGNITUDE of LIES that the U.S. Democratic Party foisted on us during the Twentieth Century.

Pat Robertson: God tells me it's Bush in a blowout

Associated Press
Posted January 2 2004, 12:44 PM EST

NORFOLK, Va. -- Pat Robertson said Friday that God told him President Bush will be re-elected in a landslide.

``I think George Bush is going to win in a walk,'' the religious broadcaster said on his ``700 Club'' program on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.

``I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way,'' Robertson said.

``The Lord has just blessed him,'' Robertson said of Bush. ``I mean, he could make terrible mistakes and comes out of it. It doesn't make any difference what he does, good or bad, God picks him up because he's a man of prayer and God's blessing him.''

Earlier on the program, Robertson had explained that he wanted to share ``some of the things that I believe the Lord was showing me as I spent several days in prayer at the end of 2003.''

Robertson also said that this year will be one of ``extraordinary prosperity'' and that God will bless China in 2004 ``in a way it's never known before.''

``God loves China and he loves the Chinese people,'' Robertson said. ``I believe there's going to be an unbelievable spiritual revival taking place in China this year.''

The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, a frequent Robertson critic and executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said he had a prediction of his own.

``I predict that Pat Robertson in 2004 will continue to use his multimillion broadcasting empire to promote George Bush and other Republican candidates,'' Lynn said in a statement. ``Maybe Pat got a message from (Bush political adviser) Karl Rove and thought it was from God.''

A Robertson spokeswoman did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment. ___

On the Net:

Christian Broadcasting Network:


From: holderlin66
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 3:09 pm
Subject: Re: The President a Liar and Murderer/True

--- In [email protected], holderlin66 wrote:

Lightsearcher wrote;

(-- the capture of Hussein and the improving economy is really all too much for lemmings, they are all beginning to emotionally hyper-ventilate and rush off the nearest hyperbolic cliffs) --

Bradford comments;

It is always good to remember the Slaughter of the Innocence, and Ahriman is so good with numbers. But Brother Ron is certain that the end justifies the means. If Pat Robertson has given a go, it must be alright with Brother Ron.

Saddam in the Slammer, so why are we on Orange?

By David H. Hackworth

Almost daily we're told that another American soldier has sacrificed life or limb in Iraq. For way too many of us – unless we have a white flag with a blue star in our window – these casualty reports have become as big a yawn as a TV forecast of the weather in Baghdad.

Even I – and I deal with that beleaguered land seven days a week – was staggered when a Pentagon source gave me a copy of a Nov. 30 dispatch showing that since George W. Bush unleashed the dogs of war, our armed forces have taken 14,000 casualties in Iraq – about the number of warriors in a line tank division.

We have the equivalent of five combat divisions plus support for a total of about 135,000 troops deployed in the Iraqi theater of operations, which means we've lost the equivalent of a fighting division since March. At least 10 percent of the total number of Joes and Jills available to the theater commander to fight or support the occupation effort have been evacuated back to the USA!

Lt. Col. Scott D. Ross of the U.S. military's Transportation Command told me that as of Dec. 23, his outfit had evacuated 3,255 battle-injured casualties and 18,717 non-battle injuries.

Of the battle casualties, 473 died and 3,255 were wounded by hostile fire.

Following are the major categories of the non-battle evacuations:

Orthopedic surgery – 3,907

General surgery – 1,995

Internal medicine – 1,291

Psychiatric – 1,167

Neurology – 1,002

Gynecological – 491

Sources say that most of the gynecological evacuations are pregnancy-related, although the exact figure can't be confirmed – Pentagon pregnancy counts are kept closer to the vest than the number of nuke warheads in the U.S. arsenal.

Ross cautioned that his total of 21,972 evacuees could be higher than other reports because "in some cases, the same service member may be counted more than once."

The Pentagon has never won prizes for the accuracy of its reporting, but I think it's safe to say that so far somewhere between 14,000 and 22,000 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines have been medically evacuated from Iraq to the USA.

So at the end of this turbulent year, we must ask ourselves: Was the price our warriors paid in blood worth the outcome? Are we any safer than before our pre-emptive invasion?

Even though Saddam is in the slammer and the fourth-largest army in the world is junkyard scrap, Christmas 2003 was resolutely Orange, and 2004 looks like more of the same. Or worse.

Our first New Year's resolution should be to find out if the stated reasons for our pre-emptive strike – Iraq's purported weapons of mass destruction and Saddam's connection with al-Qaeda – constituted a real threat to our national security. Because, contrary to public opinion, the present administration hasn't yet made the case that Saddam and his sadists aided and abetted al-Qaeda's attacks on 9/11. We also need to know why our $30 billion-a-year intelligence agencies didn't read the tea leaves correctly, as well as what's being done besides upgrading the color code to prevent other similar strikes.

Congress should get with the program and lift a page from the U.S. Army handbook on how to learn from a military operation. When an Army-training or actual-combat op is concluded, all the key players assemble for an honest, no-holds-barred critique of everything that's gone down – the good, the bad and the ugly. Some of the participants might walk away black and blue, but everyone learns from the mistakes.

Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and retired Gen. Tommy Franks should be required to report to a congressional committee convened to investigate both the invasion and the planning – or lack of planning – for the occupation of Iraq. This committee must operate without the political skullduggery that occurred during the numerous investigations into the Pearl Harbor catastrophe – when high-level malfeasance that cost thousands of lives and put America's national security in extreme jeopardy was repeatedly covered up for more than 50 years.

Our Iraqi casualties deserve nothing less than the unvarnished truth. Only then will their sacrifices not have been in vain. And only then can we all move on with the enlightenment we need to protect and preserve our precious country's future.


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 5:24 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: The President a Liar and Murderer

At 23:53 03.01.2004, Bradford wrote:

NORFOLK, Va. -- Pat Robertson said Friday that God told him President Bush will be re-elected in a landslide.

Never underestimate polls made in Heaven. Pentagon-Jesus is on his way, armed to his teeth with a star fleet manned by Jesuit combatants from the ranks of Ignatius Loyola against the hoardes of terrorists on the one hand, and pot smoking hippies on the other. And the loyal supporters of the deadly Penagon-Jesus insist that pot-smoking hippies, poets, demonstrators and peaceniks are not only morally bankrupt serial killers and child molesters, but members of Al Qaida. Even the evil Bleeding-Heart-Liberal-Jesus is an agent for terrorist aggression.

Scapegoats have always come in handy.



From: dottie zold
Date: Sat Jan 3, 2004 5:39 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: The President a Liar and Murderer

Tarjei wrote:
Even the evil Bleeding-Heart-Liberal-Jesus is an agent for terrorist aggression.

Hey Tarjei,

I want to write a letter to my Muslim friends mom for the holidays. Beings she is overseas and lives in a Middle Eastern state we are thinking twice about it. Seems anyone these days can be a target for the right wing now inhabiting the White House. It's not a joke. In an instant like back in the fifties one can decide to make a US citizens life a living hell just with inuendo. A letter and a bandana what a combo.

Msr. Lightsearcher is reminding me more and more of Mr. Michael of Australia of days gone by on the WC list. Who knows? The pink panties in a twist comment just rings a bell:) Bradamus? Yeah, rings a bell.

Where for are you sir Lightsearcher?

Hit and runs and runs and hit,



From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 7:31 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] The President a Liar and Murderer

At 20:17 03.01.2004, lightsearcher1 wrote:

Well, I just did a diligent search and could find NO citation that Bush ever lied to the level of MAGNITUDE of LIES that the U.S. Democratic Party foisted on us during the Twentieth Century.

It's a fact that wars run by Democrats have outnumbered wars run by Republicans by far. This was pointed out by Barry Goldwater in the 1984 Republican Convention in Dallas, when Ronald Reagan's status was like that of a rock star.

On the other hand, no Democratic administration showed a Nazi propaganda film to the entire White House staff during an election, like the Rebublican Nixon administration did in 1972.

Bush doesn't have the brains to lie. He believes everything he's supposed to believe, just like Ronald Reagan did. So the question is, obviously, who's lying to Bush?



From: Jan
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 8:42 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] The President a Liar and Murderer

On 4/1/04 3:31 pm, Tarjei Straume wrote:

Bush doesn't have the brains to lie. He believes everything he's supposed to believe, just like Ronald Reagan did. So the question is, obviously, who's lying to Bush?


Who is lying to Bush? Here’s one answer. Jan Hawks demand an end to all evil, and maybe France, too

By David Rennie in Washington
January 1, 2004

Washington's hawks have sent a public manifesto to President George Bush demanding regime change in Syria and Iran and a Cuba-style military blockade of North Korea backed by planning for a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear sites.

The manifesto, which was sent on Tuesday, is presented as a "manual for victory" in the war on terrorism. It also calls for Saudi Arabia and France to be treated not as allies but as rivals and possibly enemies.

The manifesto is contained in a new book by Richard Perle (pictured), a Pentagon adviser and "intellectual guru" of the hardline neo-conservative movement, and David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter. They warn of a faltering of the "will to win" in Washington.

In the battle for the President's ear, the manifesto represents an attempt by hawks to break out of the post-Iraq doldrums and strike back at what they see as a campaign of hostile leaking by their foes in such centres of caution as the State Department or in the military top brass.

Their publication, An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror, coincided with the latest broadside from the hawks' main enemy, the Secretary of State, Colin Powell.

Though recovering from prostate cancer, Mr Powell summoned reporters to his bedside to hail "encouraging" signs of a "new attitude" in Iran and call for the US to keep open the prospect of dialogue with Tehran.

Such talk is anathema to hawks like Mr Perle and Mr Frum, who urge Washington to shun the mullahs and work for their overthrow in concert with Iranian dissidents.

The book demands that any talks with North Korea require the complete and immediate abandonment of its nuclear program.

As North Korea will probably refuse such terms, the book urges a Cuba-style military blockade and overt preparations for war, including the rapid withdrawal of US forces from the South Korean border so that they move out of range of North Korean artillery.

Such steps, with luck, will prompt China to oust its nominal ally, Kim Jong-il, and install a saner regime in North Korea, the authors write.

The authoritarian rule of Syria's leader, Bashar Assad, should also be ended, encouraged by shutting oil supplies from Iraq, seizing arms he buys from Iran, and raids into Syria to hunt terrorists.

The book calls for tough action against France and its dreams of offsetting US power. "We should force European governments to choose between Paris and Washington," it says.

The Telegraph, London


From: dottie zold
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 11:21 am
Subject: Re: The President a Liar and Murderer

Bush doesn't have the brains to lie. He believes everything he's supposed to believe, just like Ronald Reagan did. So the question is, obviously, who's lying to Bush?

Dear Tarjei,

It is a lie and he does have a brain to lie just like all other men and women do. We can not make excuses for his lies and his misinformation. He has a job to do and just like the Scientologists who think it is okay to lie to do something you believe is right so does Bush. Reagan lied as well. These are not stupid men. They may not be intellectuals but indeed they have bought Lucifers lie hook line and sinker. Therefore they lie. Unless one wants to blame it on Lucifer which would of course be the easy thing to do. It is still Bush who has bought this lie from Lucifer and he calls it Gods will. Bush lies.

At this point I do not expect the politicians to tell me the truth however i do not think them to be so bold as to lie right to my face and smile thinking I have not seen it. Lucifer is becoming transparent. I have seen the lie as have many others. And no, this does not mean that other politicians have not lied, they have.

Why not just say the truth that I am out to save the world and God is on my side. Are you with me or are you not? I believe he can not and dare not say it as then lord Lucifers game would be up unbeknownst to him. And Lucifer loves to play games. Lord Lucifer loves to excite righteousness and hate in people. He loves for one group to think it better than another. He loves disiveness. That is how his energy continues through the quickness of misplaced emotions. Let us choose not to give into this game and continue to argue for a higher understanding led by Lord Michael.

My thoughts,


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 11:25 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: The President a Liar and Murderer

At 20:21 04.01.2004, Dottie wrote:

They may not be intellectuals but indeed they have bought Lucifers lie hook line and sinker.

Lucifer, the god of primeval wisdom, does not lie; that's fundy talk. Ahriman, however, is the liar and father of lies.



From: dottie zold
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 11:36 am
Subject: Re: The President a Liar and Murderer


They may not be intellectuals but indeed they have bought Lucifers lie hook line and sinker.

Lucifer, the god of primeval wisdom, does not lie; that's fundy talk. Ahriman, however, is the liar and father of lies.


There are two aspects to Lucifer that I understand. One above and one below. The one below has begun a lie that this world is the true world and he is the true God. And in that Lucifer lies.

Nuthin fundy about it.


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 12:04 pm
Subject: Lucifer the liberator and Ahriman the liar

At 20:36 04.01.2004, Dottie wrote:

There are two aspects to Lucifer that I understand. One above and one below. The one below has begun a lie that this world is the true world and he is the true God. And in that Lucifer lies.

Ahriman is the World Prince:

"Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out." - Joh 12:31

"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." - Joh 14:30

"Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged." - Joh 16:11

Ahriman is also the father of lies:

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." - Joh 8:44

Lucifer is the bringer of wisdom and liberty. His work is fulfilled by Christ.

Nuthin fundy about it.

No, not necessarily, when we take into consideration that Milton also blended Ahriman and Lucifer into one in "Paradise Lost", and that even Goethe blended them in Faust's Mephistopheles, who, although basically Ahriman, became a sort of Lucifer-Ahriman. But the fundies are the forerunners of insisting upon this blend, declaring everything else to be heresy and devil-worship. You should see the fire-and-brimstone angry mails I have received from fundies because of my article "Children of Lucifer" .



From: dottie zold
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 5:50 pm
Subject: Re: Lucifer the liberator and Ahriman the liar

Tarjei wrote:
Lucifer is the bringer of wisdom and liberty. His work is fulfilled by Christ.

Dear Tarjei,

Where is Sophia in all of this in your mind? I can't see how it is said that Lucifer is the bringer of wisdom and liberty here in the physical realm. Don't we bring it unto ourselves through our work which is affected by that which we encounter of Lucifer and Christ in the physical realm?

I have absolutely no feeling for this Ahriman. Can you point me to where he rises in the Bible according to Steiner? Also I am wondering where it is differentiated by Lucifer as well if you know off hand?

I am wondering of your quotes if Ahriman is noted as such because it is said 'he is coming' and that Lucifer is already here.

And I know this is strange to say but can it be that Ahriman is the fallen Lucifer that exists in our physical world. Pardon my ignorance.

Good Day,


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 6:38 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Lucifer the liberator and Ahriman the liar

At 02:50 05.01.2004, Dottie wrote:

Tarjei wrote:

Lucifer is the bringer of wisdom and liberty. His work is fulfilled by Christ.

Dear Tarjei,

Where is Sophia in all of this in your mind?

Sophia is the purified soul, the Virgin Soul bestowed by Christ through the Holy Spirit. Lucifer Redeemed has something to do with the Holy Spirit too, coming up in the next post.

I can't see how it is said that Lucifer is the bringer of wisdom and liberty here in the physical realm.

The physical realm is the result of the Fall, which was Lucifer's original Deed.

Don't we bring it unto ourselves through our work which is affected by that which we encounter of Lucifer and Christ in the physical realm?

Sounds about right to me.

I have absolutely no feeling for this Ahriman.

Ahriman doesn't want you to feel him, Dottie. That's what makes him so subtle and elusive.

Can you point me to where he rises in the Bible according to Steiner?

That's best described in "Occult Science". In the New Testament, Ahriman (or Satan) is spoken of as the Prince of the World. And there are some very interesting reference to Ahriman in the Old Testament. Here is one:

"And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him." - Zec 3:1

According to Steiner, the power of Ahriman is felt from the right, Lucifer from the left. And the name "Satan" leaves no doubt about who is being talked about here.

Also I am wondering where it is differentiated by Lucifer as well if you know off hand?

I don't understand your question.

I am wondering of your quotes if Ahriman is noted as such because it is said 'he is coming' and that Lucifer is already here.

You're referring to Joh 14:30 where Christ says: "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." Yes, that's a fascinating NT quote that corroborates very strongly, the way I see it, Steiner's description of spiritual evolution and the role of cosmic Beings like Ahriman. As you probably know, Ahriman's power came into play for real in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries as the universe changed from Ptolemy to Galileo. Shakespeare describes this wonderfully in some of his tragedies, especially in King Lear, where the world of the Earl of Gloucester, who tries to arrange his life astrologically according to the stars, while his bastard son Edmund, whose philosopophy reads "Gods, stand up for bastards!" has the following to say about his father's old-fashioned astrological world-view: "I am rough and lecherous. - Fut, I should have been that I am, had the maidenliest star in the firmament twinkled on my bastardizing."

Further down the road, Ahriman makes his power felt for full music in the 1840's and onwards, during the scientific Enlightenment. The economists have long ago taken over political leadership, pushing aside the monarchs and the clergy, and the men of finance are calling the shots. Ahriman is in the driver seat; he is the World Prince.

That, i think, is what Christ meant when he said that He Himself was leaving, but Ahriman was on his way. The path of Ahriman into the driver seat as world prince had to be intercepted by the Golgotha Mystery before Ahriman's plan was accomplished. Humanity needed time to absorb some of the Christ Impulse before Ahriman's hour arrived. The greatest challenge is yet to come, because Ahriman will incarnate physically during the third millennium; probably during the first third of this millennium, and most likely on the Western hemisphere.

And I know this is strange to say but can it be that Ahriman is the fallen Lucifer that exists in our physical world. Pardon my ignorance.

Ahriman is Lucifer's karma. Ahriman came into the world as a result of Lucifer's Deed. Check this out:

"The higher hierarchies contain in their being the forces that have formed Saturn, the Sun, the Moon and finally the Earth. If the higher hierarchies had expressed their teachings amongst themselves, as it were, up to the Mystery of Golgotha, they would have said: We can form the Earth out of Saturn, Sun and Moon. But if the Earth were to contain only what we have placed into Saturn, Sun and Moon it would never have been able to develop beings who know something about death, and can therefore develop the intellect within them. We, the higher hierarchies, are able to let an Earth proceed out of the Moon, on which there are men who know nothing of death, and on which they cannot develop the intellect. It is not possible for us, higher hierarchies, to form the Earth in such a way that it is able to supply the forces which lead man towards the intellect. We must rely, for this, on an entirely different being, on a being who comes from another direction than our own - The Ahrimanic Being. Ahriman is a being who does not belong to our hierarchy. Ahriman comes into the stream of evolution from another direction. If we tolerate Ahriman in the evolution of the Earth, if we allow him a share in it, he brings us death, and with it, the intellect, and we can take up in the human being death and intellect. Ahriman knows death, because he is at one with the Earth and has trodden paths which have brought him into connection with the evolution of the Earth. He is an initiate, a sage of death, and for this reason he is the ruler of the intellect. The gods had to reckon with Ahriman - if I may express it in this way. They had to say: the evolution cannot proceed without Ahriman. It is only a question of admitting Ahriman into the evolution. But if Ahriman is admitted and becomes the lord of death and, consequently, of the intellect too, we forfeit the Earth, and Ahriman, whose sole interest lies in permeating the Earth with intellect, will claim the Earth for himself. The gods faced the great problem of losing to a certain extent their rule over the Earth in favour of Ahriman. There was only one possibility - that the gods themselves should learn to know something which they could not learn in their godly abodes which were not permeated by Ahriman - namely, that the gods should learn to know death itself, on the Earth, through one of their emissaries - the Christ. A god had to die on earth, and he had to die in such a way that this was not grounded in the wisdom of the gods, but in the human error which would hold sway if Ahriman alone were to rule. A god had to pass through death and he had to overcome death."

- "Exoteric and Esoteric Christianity" Dornach, 2 April, 1922. (GA 211)




From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Sun Jan 4, 2004 8:00 pm
Subject: oooops!!

I wrote:

Shakespeare describes this wonderfully in some of his tragedies, especially in King Lear, where the world of the Earl of Gloucester, who tries to arrange his life astrologically according to the stars, while his bastard son Edmund, whose philosopophy reads "Gods, stand up for bastards!" has the following to say about his father's old-fashioned astrological world-view:

I'm sorry about that awful, awful sentence with dangling pieces that don't fit together. It's some of the worst I've ever written, I think.



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