The Starship Wendterprise

From: Steinerhead
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 7:21 am
Subject: The Starship Wendterprise

I woke up to this idea this morning:

Bum ....bum BA....


These are the voyages of the starship Wendterprise.

It's epistemological mission: to destroy old rotten Dogma.

To seek out new life, and Threefold civilizations.

To boldly think like no one has thought before.....

[pleasantly whistling the original theme to Star Trek]




From: golden3000997
Date: Fri Jan 9, 2004 4:37 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] The Starship Wendterprise

The question is - exactly WHAT were you doing the night before???

LOL! : )


From: Joel Wendt
Date: Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:58 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] The Starship Wendterprise

Dear Mike,

I'm sorry, but humor in anthroposophy is not allowed. I am going to have to turn you in to the seriousness police for this blatant violation of the rules.

There is (I've heard a rumor) a stand up comedy act in preparation (Anthro-comedia is its supposed name), and I am afraid you are going to have to be arrested and locked up with them.

I understand that they begin their act with the universal gesture of greeting we are all familiar with, advising the audience that this was how R.S. made the various "indications" for which he is famous.

Then they have the obnoxious temerity to suggest that Steiner was in fact gay, in proof of which one of them begins to channel Steiner, who when He appears begins to lament the poor quality of worship He is receiving from his students, including many suggestions for various gestures and indications that the worshiping flock needs to learn how to practice in unison.

Following this the act - anthro-comedia (which hardly deserves to be called an act) goes on to do a bit involving two angels talking about the Anthroposophical Society, after which there is a similar and related discussion between two demons talking about Waldorf, anthroposophical - I don't know the content of these dialogs, but I can guess that they will be irreverent in the extreme.

I understand that they intend to close the "act" with a faux lecture on how anthroposophists should have sex.

Takes all kinds I guess,

warm regards,

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 08:21, Steinerhead wrote:

I woke up to this idea this morning:

Bum ....bum BA....


These are the voyages of the starship Wendterprise.

It's epistemological mission: to destroy old rotten Dogma.

To seek out new life, and Threefold civilizations.

To boldly think like no one has thought before.....

[pleasantly whistling the original theme to Star Trek]


* --
Joel Wendt


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