Steiner the Tutor

From: winters_diana
Date: Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:49 am
Subject: Steiner the tutor

Here you have it from Steiner's bio at the Goethenaum web site:

Private teacher in the home of a Viennese businessman, Ladislaus Specht.

That is the only reference in the bio of Steiner there to mention Steiner teaching or tutoring anyone.


From: dottie zold
Date: Mon Jan 26, 2004 12:36 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Steiner the tutor

[Diana wrote:]

Private teacher in the home of a Viennese businessman, Ladislaus Specht.

That is the only reference in the bio of Steiner there to mention Steiner teaching or tutoring anyone.

Hey Diana,

I remembering reading, and I believe it was in the bio, that he tutored other college bound young people. And that is how he earned money to buy books and so forth that he was interested in. The idea was that he did not have much time for anything that he might have liked to have done due to the need to self support himself.



From: Gisele
Date: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:16 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Steiner the teacher

winters_diana wrote:

Here you have it from Steiner's bio at the Goethenaum web site:

Private teacher in the home of a Viennese businessman, Ladislaus Specht.

That is the only reference in the bio of Steiner there to mention Steiner teaching or tutoring anyone.

~~~~SO WHAT? What's your point Diana? Anyway, even if you thought you had a logical scientific rational point based on the above, you got it wrong, sorry!:


Teaches at the school for workers founded by Wilhelm Liebknecht in Berlin. From 1902 also in Spandau. Subjects: History, Speaking Practice, Literature, Science.


Teaches at an independent college founded by the Friedrichshageners Bruno Wille and Wilhelm Bolsche.




From: winters_diana
Date: Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:50 pm
Subject: Re: Steiner the teacher

Thanks to Dottie and Gisele but I was asking about the "10 years tutoring" – children – not lecturing to adults. Thanks anyway, toodles everyone.



From: dottie zold
Date: Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:08 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Re: Steiner the teacher

Diana wrote:

Thanks to Dottie and Gisele but I was asking about the "10 years tutoring" – children – not lecturing to adults. Thanks anyway, toodles everyone.

Hey Diane,

I didn't realize you were speaking about tutoring young children. He did indeed tutor young highschool college bound kids is what I get from his bio. The pages I read are not about lecturing rather tutoring them in specific classes they were trying to pass. And not just in one subject but in many different ones.

The thing that strikes me when reading your posts is the idea that one can not take in ones personal experiences over a period of time and have an understanding about certain things. As if it is not backed up by a science study it does not count. Science studies were not the first thing that happened, it was human observations that ocurred and then studies followed many years after.

I thought Daniels piece was absolutely phenominal and made total sense to me. It felt like you already have your mind up and there is no way to find any common ground in what Daniel was presenting.

How do we come up with the ideas to study a thing in the first place: observation of said thing. Is it really beyond you to see the ideas discussed by Daniel as having any validity? Isn't that where science begins: observations and then to questions and then to a few various possible solutions? Don't all scientists have to begin this way: the wonder of a thing? Didn't you get the 'do no harm and the make sure the parents are included in the decision' part of the post. Isn't this against how the critics portray this on their list?

Is it really hard to imagine a person can be intuitive to a thing and look to see why it is that way and come up with ideas that can then be observed by others? But then again it seems if the critics hear the name Dr. Steiner involved in anything the word 'quack' comes up. As if they are stuck soley in what is in front of them and not what is beyond or even within that helpes to create a thing in the first place.

If you sense/intuit into the idea of what you observe do you not think your rational mind will lead you to various possibilities that speak to that particular observation? Dr. Steiner was able to do what most on the critics and many on this list are unable: observe objectively. To look at a thing and ponder it to the beginningness. Doesn't mean he was always right and as you have heard many times he stated one must find it for oneself and not just hold what he has found as truth. And this is what one can find in his amazing book Philosophy of Freedom: Self free thinking and rising to find it.

It is the scientist who lead us to places our minds would not even think to contemplate. Whether that be here or in the great expance of the unseen universe it makes no difference, scientists lead us to the unknown: that which many of us would not naturally think or pursue in the first place. And that is the magic, that is the wonder.

It's easy to degrade and make fun of another mans studies when one hasn't done ones own homework. Maybe it didn't interest you or others but it did interest Dr. Steiner and he studied it from his own experiences and came up with theories and ideas as to why this is.

I find it quite interesting you and the other critics are willing to hold Steiner accountable for his observations by certain standards that you are not willing to hold your own critics and especially not Staudenmaiers warped, mostly German footnotes, paper. Little ironic isn't it? Oh, but we are talking about Steiner here and Staudenmaeir doesn't count. Good thing we aren't on the wc list about right now or Mr. Dugan would say it is off topic to ask a fellow list mate about how they came to a thing because the topic is Steiner. A little different here I think. You get to be held accountable in the same manner as you would hold Dr. Steiner. Did you observe children who do not like certain things. Did you observe and think as to how you might handle this certain thing or how it came to be a certain way. Well so did Dr. Steiner. It's just that he made observation his life. And in that he is qualified to be able to offer thoughts on what is going on and what he has found. One can disagree with it but it does come out of deep thinking and a willingness to find a way to bring forth his theories.

I remember on the wc list one could not talk about how others formed their opinions because the topic was supposed to be on Steiner only. You can judge Steiner harshly but do not hold yourselves to the same standard. Something a little fishy in this I say.

Nice warm night here in Cali, thank goodeness:)



From: Daniel Hindes
Date: Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:34 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Steiner the tutor

Real in-depth research. So quick to rush to judgement. A five-minute look in Steiner's autobiography, using a keyword search on the word "tutor" (online at will serve you well.



From: Daniel Hindes
Date: Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:54 pm
Subject: Steiner the private tutor

Prompted by my discussion with Diana I have collected a number of quotes by Steiner concerning his activities as a private tutor. These demonstrate his extensive practical experience in pedagogy with pupils of all ages (from early elementry to post-graduate) and all levels of skill.

From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 2:

From my fifteenth year on I taught other pupils of the same grade as myself or of a lower grade. The teachers were very willing to assign me this tutoring, for I was rated as a very "good scholar." Through this means I was enabled to contribute at least a very little toward what my parents had to spend out of their meagre income for my education. I owe much to this tutoring. In having to give to others in turn the matter which I had been taught, I myself became, so to speak, awake to this. For I cannot express the thing otherwise than by saying that I received in a sort of dream life the knowledge imparted to me by the school. I was always awake to what I gained by my own effort, and what I received from a spiritual benefactor, such as the doctor I have mentioned of Wiener-Neustadt. What I received thus in a fully self-conscious state of mind was noticeably different from what passed over to me like dream-pictures in the class-room instruction. The development of what had thus been received in a half-waking state was now brought about by the fact that in the periods of tutoring I had to vitalize my own knowledge.

On the other hand, this experience compelled me at an early age to concern myself with practical pedagogy. I learned the difficulties of the development of human minds through my pupils.

To the pupils of my own grade whom I tutored the most important thing I had to teach was German composition. Since I myself had also to write every such composition, I had to discover for each theme assigned to us various forms of development. I often felt then that I was in a very difficult situation. I wrote my own theme only after I had already given away the best thoughts on that topic.

From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 2:

His teaching gave me much to do. For he covered in the fifth class the Greek and Latin poets, from whom selections were used in German translation. Then for the first time I began to regret once in a while that my father had put me in the Realschule instead of the Gymnasium. For I felt how little of the character of Greek and Roman art I should get hold of through the translations. So I bought Greek and Latin text-books, and carried along secretly by the side of the Realschule course also a private Gymnasium course of instruction. This required much time; but it also laid the foundation by means of which I met, although in unusual fashion yet quite according to the rules, the Gymnasium requirements. I had to give many hours of tutoring, especially when I was in the Technische Hochschule(4) in Vienna. I soon had a Gymnasium pupil to tutor. Circumstances of which I shall speak later brought it about that I had to help this pupil by means of tutoring through almost the whole Gymnasium course. I taught him Latin and Greek, so that in teaching him I had to go through every detail of the Gymnasium course with him.

This quote shows not only that Steiner derived money from tutoring, but also that he was familiar with scientific method and laboratory work, and conducted experiments:

From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 4:

"In the views at which I had arrived in the physics of optics there seemed to me to be a bridge between what is revealed to insight into the spiritual world and that which comes out of researches in the natural sciences. I felt then a need to prove to sense experience, by means of certain experiments in optics in a form of my own, the thoughts which I had formed concerning the nature of light and that of colour.

It was not easy for me to buy the things needed for such experiments; for the means of living I derived from tutoring was little enough. Whatever was in any way possible for me I did in order to arrive at such plans of experimentation in the theory of light as would lead to an unprejudiced insight into the facts of nature in this field.

With the physicist's usual arrangements for experiments I was familiar through my work in Reitlinger's physics laboratory. The mathematical treatment of optics was easy to me, for I had already pursued thorough courses in this field. In spite of all objections raised by the physicists against Goethe's theory of colour, I was driven by my own experiments farther and farther away from the customary attitude of the physicist toward Goethe. I became aware that all such experimentation is only the establishing of certain facts "about light" - to use an expression of Goethe's - and not experimentation with light itself. I said to myself: "The colours are not, in Newton's way of thinking, produced out of light; they come to manifestation when obstructions hinder the free unfolding of the light." It seemed to me that this was the lesson to be learned directly from my experiments. Through this, however, light was for me removed from the properly physical realities. It took its place as a midway stage between the realities perceptible to the senses and those visible to the spirit.

From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 4:

Now, by reason of an inner necessity, I had to strive to work in detail through all of Goethe's scientific writings. At first I did not think of undertaking an interpretation of these writings, such as I soon afterward published in an introduction to them in Kürschner's Deutsche National Literatur. I thought much more of setting forth independently some field or other of natural science in the way in which this science now hovered before me as "spiritual." My external life was at that time not so ordered that I could accomplish this. I had to do tutoring in the most diverse subjects. The "pedagogical" situations through which I had to find my way were complex enough. For example, there appeared in Vienna a Prussian officer who for some reason or other had been forced to leave the German military service. He wished to prepare himself to enter the Austrian army as an officer of engineers. Through a peculiar course of fate I became his teacher in mathematics and physical-scientific subjects. I found in this teaching the deepest satisfaction; for my "scholar" was an extraordinarily lovable man who formed a human relationship with me when we had put behind us the mathematical and scientific developments he needed for his preparation. In other cases also, as in those of students who had completed their work and who were preparing for doctoral examinations, I had to give the instruction, especially in mathematics and the physical sciences.


From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 4:

My activity as a tutor, which afforded me at that time the sole means of a livelihood, preserved me from one-sidedness. I had to learn many things from the foundation up in order to be able to teach them. Thus I found my way into the "mysteries" of book-keeping, for I found opportunity to give instruction even in this subject.

From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 6:

IN the field of pedagogy Fate gave me an unusual task. I was employed as tutor in a family where there were four boys. To three I had to give only the preparatory instruction for the Volkschule(1) and then assistance in the work of the Mittelschule. The fourth, who was almost ten years old, was at first entrusted to me for all his education. He was the child of sorrow to his parents, especially to his mother. When I went to live in the home, he had scarcely learned the most rudimentary elements of reading, writing, and arithmetic. He was considered so subnormal in his physical and mental development that the family had doubts as to his capacity for being educated. His thinking was slow and dull. Even the slightest mental exertion caused a headache, lowering of vital functions, pallor, and alarming mental symptoms. After I had come to know the child, I formed the opinion that the sort of education required by such a bodily and mental organism must be one that would awaken the sleeping faculties, and I proposed to the parents that they should leave the child's training to me. The mother had enough confidence to accept this proposal, and I was thus able to set myself this unusual educational task.

I had to find access to a soul which was, as it were, in a sleeping state, and which must gradually be enabled to gain the mastery over the bodily manifestations. In a certain sense one had first to draw the soul within the body. I was thoroughly convinced that the boy really had great mental capacities, though they were then buried. This made my task a profoundly satisfying one. I was soon able to bring the child into a loving dependence upon me. This condition caused the mere intercourse between us to awaken his sleeping faculties of soul. For his instruction I had to feel my way to special methods. Every fifteen minutes beyond a certain time allotted to instruction caused injury to his health. To many subjects of instruction the boy had great difficulty in relating himself.

This educational task became to me the source from which I myself learned very much. Through the method of instruction which I had to apply there was laid open to my view the association between the spiritual-mental and the bodily in man. Then I went through my real course of study in physiology and psychology. I became aware that teaching and instructing must become an art having its foundation in a genuine understanding of man. I had to follow out with great care an economic principle. I frequently had to spend two hours in preparing for half an hour of instruction in order to get the material for instruction in such a form that in the least time, and with the least strain upon the mental and physical powers of the child, I might reach his highest capacity for achievement. The order of the subjects of instruction had to be carefully considered; the division of the entire day into periods had to be properly determined. I had the satisfaction of seeing the child in the course of two years accomplish the work of the Volkschule, and successfully pass the examination for entrance to the Gymnasium (2). Moreover, his physical condition had materially improved. The hydrocephalic condition was markedly diminishing. I was able to advise the parents to send the child to a public school. It seemed to me necessary that he should find his vital development in company with other children. I continued to be a tutor for several years in the family, and gave special attention to this boy, who was always guided to make his way through the school in such a way that his home activities should be carried through in the spirit in which they were begun. I then had the inducement, in the way I have already mentioned, to increase my knowledge of Latin and Greek, for I was responsible for the tutoring of this boy and another in this family for the Gymnasium lessons.

I must needs feel grateful to Fate for having brought me into such a life relationship. For through this means I developed in vital fashion a knowledge of the being of man which I do not believe could have been developed by me so vitally in any other way. Moreover, I was taken into the family in an extraordinarily affectionate way; we came to live a beautiful life in common. The father of these boys was a sales-agent for Indian and American cotton. I was thus able to get a glimpse of the working of business, and of much that is connected with this. Moreover, through this I learned a great deal. I had an inside view of the conduct of a branch of an unusually interesting import business, and could observe the intercourse between business friends and the interlinking of many commercial and industrial activities.

My young charge was successfully guided through the Gymnasium; I continued with him even to the Unter-Prima(3). By that time he had made such progress that he no longer needed me. After completing the Gymnasium he entered the school of medicine, became a physician, and in this capacity he was later a victim of the World War. The mother, who had become a true friend of mine because of what I had done for her boy, and who clung to this child of sorrow with the most devoted love, soon followed him in death. The father had already gone from this world.

A good portion of my youthful life was bound up with the task which had grown so close to me. For a number of years I went during the summer with the family of the children whom I had to tutor to the Attersee in the Salzkammergut, and there became familiar with the noble Alpine nature of Upper Austria. I was gradually able to eliminate the private lessons I had continued to give to others even after beginning this tutoring, and thus I had time left for prosecuting my own studies.


From "The Course of My Life" by Rudolf Steiner, Chapter 13:

When I was fourteen years old I had to begin tutoring; for fifteen years, up to the beginning of the second phase of my life, that spent at Weimar, my destiny kept me engaged in this work. The unfolding of the minds of many persons, both in childhood and in youth, was in this way bound up with my own evolution. Through this means I was able to observe how different were the ways in which the two sexes grow into life. For, along with the giving of instruction to boys and young men, it fell to my lot to teach also a number of young girls. Indeed, for a long time the mother of the boy whose instruction I had taken over because of his pathological condition was a pupil of mine in geometry; and at another time I taught this lady and her sister aesthetics.

In the family of these children I found for a number of years a sort of home, from which I went out to other families as tutor or instructor. Through the intimate friendship between the mother of the children and myself, it came about that I shared fully in the joys and sorrows of this family. In this woman I perceived a uniquely beautiful human soul. She was wholly devoted to the development of her four boys according to their destiny. In her one could study mother love in its larger manifestation. To co-operate with her in problems of education formed a beautiful content of life. For the musical part of the artistic she possessed both talent and enthusiasm. At times she took charge of the musical practice of her boys, as long as they were still young. She discussed intelligently with me the most varied life problems, sharing in everything with the deepest interest. She gave the greatest attention to my scientific and other tasks. There was a time when I had the greatest need to discuss with her everything which intimately concerned me. When I spoke of my spiritual experiences, she listened in a peculiar way. To her intelligence the thing was entirely congenial, but it maintained a certain marked reserve; yet her mind absorbed everything. At the same time she maintained in reference to man's being a certain naturalistic view. She believed the moral temper to be entirely bound up with the health or sickness of the bodily constitution. I mean to say that she thought instinctively about man in a medical fashion, whereby her thinking tended to be somewhat naturalistic. To discuss things in this way with her was in the highest degree stimulating. Besides, her attitude toward all outer life was that of a woman who attended with the strongest sense of duty to everything which fell to her lot, but who looked upon most inner things as not belonging to her sphere. She looked upon her fate in many aspects as something burdensome. But still she made no claims upon life; she accepted this as it took form so far as it did not concern her sons. In relation to these she felt every experience with the deepest emotion of her soul.

There are more references in a number of Steiner's lectures, but I don't have the time to collect them now.

Daniel Hindes


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