Quotable Quotes


Stupid is as Stupid Does


From: holderlin66
Date: Mon Jan 5, 2004 2:03 pm
Subject: Stupid is as Stupid does

--- In [email protected], holderlin66

[From "Quotable quotes/Camp David"]

At the end of this battle, we will finally have a cleansed planet, a new gene pool and the Cancer of corroded renegade beliefs against the one true god will finally have won a decisive victory.

Bradford comments;

One of the secrets of sustaining dialogue are catching the empathy and drift of research ideals that others present and running a 1/2 block with them or carry the ball for a second. I understood Golden's or Christine's sense that raw Michael and Christ values were being shared by lots of other people. I also understood the profound insight Joel offered regarding the meek and humble, as holding a silence in the soul. Amazing.. The Stars once spoke to men but are silent now...etc.. until we experience that tickle of the I Am, undisturbed in us. I truly see Joel's insight as well.

Golden has done what I have done and many of us perhaps have done, by sending our missives and mixing up the sites and people we are talking directly with, with the general sharing of information. In other words we send out, even to sites who haven't heard of the people we are talking about, our general excitement over a wonderful shared idea. Nothing wrong with that at least the heart is beating.

Now Brother Ron need never have to worry about my joy over his courage, Brother Ron and I have been having a C.S. Lewis and Barfield scrap for sometime but I have already noted with great joy, his love for Arthurian backdrops and have embraced that which his heart produces as a musician. I could eat his tapes for breakfast and play them on long rides and feel comforted that this soul has his heart in the right place. All I can say is you should consider yourself lucky to hear a few of his cds.

As to my admiration for Jan-Starbirgarden, I consider myself blessed every time she posts anything. Recently she posted something I have been following about Perle's new book on hunting down evil and going after pre-emptively Syria and Iran and so on.. It is a nice Balloon and as they say, publish and strike while the iron is hot. Meaning that Perle and the Neocons are running a hot contest and the radical right needs to be on the side of Bush in the coming election. Besides the books from both Right and Left are streaming from the Intellectual Soul, Rational Soul like open fire hydrants.

The Consciousness Soul is the heros ground, the Hamlet and the British Isle of thought, that needs to be carved out so that the Intellectual Soul infection of false thinking doesn't incubate an Asuric anti Consciousness Soul tendency. You have to go inside that thought and really grasp the type of thinking that reflects Conscousness Soul and for your pleasure, Joseph Campbell is a representative who is going to build on something wonderful in his future incarnations thanks to his clear work in the Consciousness Soul.

For us and our contributions to any list that represents True Michael School research or Sophia research, we can look rather fondly on the way Joseph Campbell edited the Eranos meetings for years. We can look fondly at the Inklings of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien, Barfield, Williams and Harwood and see that our conferences, conversations, essays and thinking directions can be communicated in the depth of cyberspace with more ease than our elders. However that does not mean that we allow the usual ease and quibbling to become the silly banter of something that is truly, like Eranos and the Inklings or for that matter the Mermaid Tavern...an immense, if not hidden, cultural treasure for those who seek it.


Tarjei got miffed when we dared compare the Bush intentions against the backdrop of Nazis. I may not have gotten this exactly right, but somehow in Tarjei's mind, nothing could compare with the full impact of the horror of Nazi Germany and the nightmare endured by Europe. To that I would respond that I also think Americans are spoiled brats and haven't a clue what it was like to be in the devastation of the Europe of Hitler.

On the other hand, spotting this re-arising of fascism out of America is tracking the ever re-gathering of minions of little Ahrimanic urchins that have now become a massive collection of refried Patriotic, fear driven Nationalism...

My Opinion is that Nazi Germany and the atrocities even of Iraq should never be allowed to happen in a humanity that wakes up to it self. The symptomology and the catastropohe of Bush began very like the same bright evening at the Reichstag when.... a common janitor apparently was baited into starting a fire.

I said I would try things out some good and some stupid. Now here is a stupid idea I had spinning in my brain. Let's go live now to Mr. Stupid.

For those of you who don't understand the 1933 Event time line history, Steiner's birthday is Feb 27 and like the Bush Administration and the Palme spy affair Karl Rove sends his henchmen out for revenge, bitter revenge when Ahriman is crossed... Well Steiner had nailed Ahriman and mounted with Goethe on Weimar and dug a deep foundation that Goethe had begun digging... In this foundation he really pissed Ahriman off and from this pissing off and Steiner's accurate chess move to out move Ahriman, he gave away the 1933 date of the rise of Christ in the Etheric...


"On 27th February the Reichstag caught fire. When they police arrived they found Marinus van der Lubbe on the premises. After being tortured by the Gestapo he confessed to starting the Reichstag Fire. However he denies that he was part of a Communist conspiracy. Hermann Goering refuses to believe him and he orders the arrest of several leaders of the German Communist Party (KPD). "

So my [note stupid] idea was this: I pondered a long time how Darwin was Tariq who historically broke through Spain and into Europe in 711. Charles Darwin later took Europe by storm, even though in his life time as Tariq he was an apparent nobody. But I have begun to see how Ahriman has a real sense of humor. We need to understand the Logos and the mystery of fact and fiction. I have no handle on either fact or fiction but I have noted just how Ahriman works, "Thus Spake Zarathustra" was all about Zarathustra and a pissy fit against Christ.

Darwin as the former Arabian horseman TAriq blasted with his tiny group of raiders into Spain. Ahriman allowed the Science that was his part of creation to come through Darwin's writings. Ahriman and our
need to begin to open giant cans of worms to launch heavy Science and of course RAcism and bogus reasons for WARS were Ahriman's efforts to insult Christ. Humans got all buzzed over misunderstanding the kind of Science that Darwin was presenting and as they say in hollywood, Darwin became the flavor of the week.

Ahriman is good chess player, as Bergman has indicated, and his chess move against 1933 was to continue WMD to bring the insult that resulted in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the nuclear age of false Pauline Light. Light brighter than a Thousand Suns was Ahriman's big ticket item and really advanced his agenda on the board. Ahriman directly attacked Christ connected to Krishna via Oppenheimer's stunned comment and overwhelming guilt when he saw what he had wrought. Harry Truman was the 33 President of the U.S.. Ahriman has this thing with the Christ Being and anybody who messes with Ahriman is gonna be in a Word of Sh--.

So my stupid thought was that I wondered, and forgive me for this immensely stupid thought, that with Ahriman's cocky sense of humor [don't forget Haroun al Raschid and Francis Bacon] with Ahriman's cocky sense of humor I wondered if the very guy who started the fire was not now sitting in the office of President of the U.S. Marinus van der Lubbe or Dubya. Maybe not, at least not GW.


Alright, I just now looked at the picture of Lubbe and I can see by the skull and facial features - which are carried as a sculpted I AM skull Identity that the idea is stupid. Because you would be able to see a slight metamorphosis of resemblance to Bush, but the lips and jaw are not GW. GW has kind of weasel like eyes. It ain't him. But just for the sense of humor, Nero and setting fire to Rome and the Reichstag fire both uncorked the bottle and let the demons out.

Just so you may check yourself, please, when you have a free moment, check the bust of Socrates to the head of Tolstoy. Steiner was very impressed with the Immortal imprint he could see there. Soul advancement also has mighty riddles to it. For instance Raphael and Novalis didn't appear to bear the same likeness, however it was Novalis who found a riddle of reincarnation in the strange love he had of Sophie von Kuhn, who actually rather looked very much like Raphael. As I said, noting ventured, nothing gained, Steiner's insights into the deep region of Reincarnation and his methods are going to take many years to grow into.

So that is my process with stupid ideas.. I was wrong and am way off track. However it is objective to study Ahriman's sense of humor because indeed the lawfulness of Gods and the laws of matter and the logos allows for a very clear sense of humor even when it comes to the gods. There are always avenues and threads of logic that bind things together. AS far as Lucifer's sense of humor, you would have to understand the orbiting Timothy Leary to see the humor in Lucifer and to understand how the Karma of Lucifer and Ahriman are bound together, you would have to understand the cult of Heaven's Gate.

To understand abuse of theory, you would have to understand Bradfordian movie making against Bradford's love for Steiner's concrete thinking. I am very willing to see how full of holes some of my theories are.


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Tue Jan 6, 2004 2:37 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Stupid is as Stupid does

At 23:03 05.01.2004, Bradford wrote:


Tarjei got miffed when we dared compare the Bush intentions against the backdrop of Nazis. I may not have gotten this exactly right, but somehow in Tarjei's mind, nothing could compare with the full impact of the horror of Nazi Germany and the nightmare endured by Europe. To that I would respond that I also think Americans are spoiled brats and haven't a clue what it was like to be in the devastation of the Europe of Hitler.

When we take into consideration that Bush has in effect announced the right of the U.S. Empire to invade any country of its choosing and replace any government it doesn't like with its own handpicked "Quisling" regime, round up certain ethnicities and transport all "suspects" to military bases on Cuba and other obscure locations beyond the jurisdiction of American and international laws where we dare not imagine what happens in the cellars of interrogation, the comparison between Bush and Hitler is understandable. But when a German politician spits it out, its thoughtless, unimaginative, politically stupid, and ignorant.

I'll just draw your attention to one significant detail that shows how dumb the comparison between Hitler and Bush is: Hitler's oratorial skills, his fantastic and unmatched talent as a stage performer. Stalin comes close, very close, and his murderous atrocities match those of Hitler, but they are less well documented, and for that reason, being compared to Stalin is less insulting than being compared to Hitler.

Anyway, Charlie Chaplin, whose date of birth was within a week of Hitler's, and whose mustache is rumored to have inspired Hitler's own, was so mightily impressed with the Führer's solo stage performance that he had never seen the likes of anywhere, that he made the classic film "The Great Dictator." Nazi officers were not permitted to see this flick, but Hitler, who loved movies, ordered it TWICE to his home cinema.

GWB is no orator, no stage performer, no hypnotizer and brainwasher of millions with just a glance. People are not mesmerized by Bush; only by his presidency. The power of his office turns people on regardless of who is wielding it. The fire and conviction in Hitler's eyes made people fall for him like flies. Have you seen his body language and heard his voice? Compare that to the stumbling insecure on-syllable-word ramblings and hesitations and empty embarrassing pauses of GWB. How would anyone compare the world's greatest and evillest madman, mass hypnotist and dramatic performer with his spellbinding rhetoric with George W. Bush? You've got to be stupid to compare Bush to Hitler! Stupid!

For those of you who don't understand the 1933 Event time line history, Steiner's birthday is Feb 27 and like the Bush Administration and the Palme spy affair Karl Rove sends his henchmen out for revenge, bitter revenge when Ahriman is crossed... Well Steiner had nailed Ahriman and mounted with Goethe on Weimar and dug a deep foundation that Goethe had begun digging... In this foundation he really pissed Ahriman off and from this pissing off and Steiner's accurate chess move to out move Ahriman, he gave away the 1933 date of the rise of Christ in the Etheric...


"On 27th February the Reichstag caught fire. When they police arrived they found Marinus van der Lubbe on the premises. After being tortured by the Gestapo he confessed to starting the Reichstag Fire. However he denies that he was part of a Communist conspiracy. Hermann Goering refuses to believe him and he orders the arrest of several leaders of the German Communist Party (KPD). "

You're really on to something here, Bradford. Something big. Adolf Hitler, whose name sounds strikingly similar to Rudolf Steiner phonetically, was the vehicle for the opposote spiritual pole of Christ-Michael. (Ascribing a similar role to GWB is a gross overestimation to put it mildly.) Notice also how every geographical location critical to the evolution of the Christ Impulse has been subjected to permanent strife. Wars are limited in time, and wounds heal. Prermanent strife, however, perpetuate the energy of hatred. Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Northern Ireland (where once lived the monks who were indispensable to the spread of Christianity in Europe), and Croatia where Rudolf Steiner was born has also been heqvily targeted. Yes, Ahriman knows what he is doing; he knows where and when and how.

I am very willing to see how full of holes some of my theories are.

Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
I'd love to turn you on....



From: holderlin66
Date: Thu Jan 8, 2004 10:55 pm
Subject: Stupid is as Stupid does

--- In [email protected],

Tarjei Straume wrote:

When we take into consideration that Bush has in effect announced the right of the U.S. Empire to invade any country of its choosing and replace any government it doesn't like with its own handpicked "Quisling" regime, round up certain ethnicities and transport all "suspects" to military bases on Cuba and other obscure locations beyond the jurisdiction of American and international laws where we dare not imagine what happens in the cellars of interrogation, the comparison between Bush and Hitler is understandable. But when a German politician spits it out, its thoughtless, unimaginative, politically stupid, and ignorant.

I'll just draw your attention to one significant detail that shows how dumb the comparison between Hitler and Bush is: Hitler's oratorial skills, his fantastic and unmatched talent as a stage performer. Stalin comes close, very close, and his murderous atrocities match those of Hitler, but they are less well documented, and for that reason, being compared to Stalin is less insulting than being compared to Hitler.

Bradford comments;

Well, as Hitler was in the trenches was blown sky high once and was gassed.. It is like saying, in Nietzsche Ahriman took pen in hand and in Hitler he crept out of the will, Will to Power and gave shocked consonants and force impact sounds new velocity.

For some reason the Ahrimanic Voice force in Dr. Greiner in Dornach had fully compressed stoss laute which could shatter metal. Dr. Greiner played Mephisto and Ahriman on the Goetheanum stage. There is a great deal to understand between the warm intoned words of Dr. Steiner and the Will impelled voice of Hitler. It may have been an over compensation for Hitler was short one gonad, one ball. But besides performance ability it was a certain kind of crass, imploding like a gernade and coming up out of the Earth and ripping out of his larynx style that just wouldn't come off in today's world.

Recently there have been some of the most vicious articles that I have ever seen in American Press. In particular recently from the New York Post against Dean.


Dean wants to muzzle his Democratic competitors, too. He believes the Democratic National Committee should shut them up. His followers try to intimidate other presidential aspirants by surrounding the cars delivering them to their rallies and chanting to drown out their speech. Of course, Dean denies any foreknowledge or blame.

These are the techniques employed by Hitler's Brownshirts. Had Goebbels enjoyed access to the internet, he would have used the same swarm tactics as Dean's Flannelshirts.

Bradford suggests;

Something is heating up out in the West - not pretty - and in line with Ahrimanic Syptomology. I offer this healthy example, IMO of observations on the current U.S. situation. However I cannot say if the gentleman or woman who wrote it, really wrote it and experienced it. It appears to come from a sound source, but it is worth the read, it is troubling, and it isn't the first time we have looked down the muzzle of this particular monster.


"So why, now, when I hear GWB's speeches, do I think of Hitler? Why have I drawn a parallel between the Nazis and the present administration? Just one small reason -the phrase 'Never forget'. Never let this happen again. It is better to question our government - because it really can happen here - than to ignore the possibility.

So far, I've seen nothing to eliminate the possibility that Bush is on the same course as Hitler. And I've seen far too many analogies to dismiss the possibility. The propaganda. The lies. The rhetoric. The nationalism. The flag waving. The pretext of 'preventive war'. The flaunting of international law and international standards of justice. The disappearances of 'undesirable' aliens. The threats against protesters. The invasion of a non-threatening sovereign nation. The occupation of a hostile country. The promises of prosperity and security. The spying on ordinary citizens. The incitement to spy on one's neighbors - and report them to the government. The arrogant triumphant pride in military conquest. The honoring of soldiers. The tributes to 'fallen warriors. The diversion of money to the military. The demonization of government appointed 'enemies'. The establishment of 'Homeland Security'. The dehumanization of 'foreigners'. The total lack of interest in the victims of government policy. The incarceration of the poor and mentally ill. The growing prosperity from military ventures. The illusion of 'goodness' and primacy. The new einsatzgrupen forces. Assassination teams. Closed extralegal internment camps. The militarization of domestic police. Media blackout of non-approved issues. Blacklisting of protesters - including the no-fly lists and photographing dissenters at rallies.

There isn't much doubt in my mind - anyone who compares the history of Hitler's rise to power and the progression of recent events in the US cannot avoid the parallels. It's incontrovertible. Is Bush another Hitler? Maybe not, but with each incriminating event, the parallel grows -it certainly cannot be dismissed. There's too much evidence already. Just as Hitler used American tactics to plan and execute his reign, it looks as if Karl Rove is reading Hitler's playbook to plan world domination - and that is the stated intent of both. From the Reichstag fire to the landing at Nuremberg to the motto of "Gott Mit Uns" to the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq to the insistence that peace was the ultimate goal, the line is unbroken and unwavering."

Healthy Intellects


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