Summary and Temporary Goodbye

From: Joel Wendt
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:05 am
Subject: summary and temporary goodbye

Dear List-mates,

I will be leaving tomorrow to go to New England for two weeks, to give two public political talks, and two talks about aspects of my current work - basically what I am going to do, now that I have "retired" from working for "the man" (one on the anthroposophical background to the coming seminars: "Conversations in the Key of Love - eros and agape in the modern world"; and the other on "Moral Grace", which concerns the inner relationship between the Philosophy of Freedom, the 12 Steps, and the What Would Jesus Do movement).

I will also be there visiting my girlfriend, meeting some of her family I have yet to met, and making plans for our mutual future.

At the time of writing this I am packing, and there still are 26 unread messages in my message cue for this list (and no doubt more will arrive before I leave tomorrow). I will try to read as many of these as possible and reply, but in the interim, I'd like to recapitulate what I see as going one here.

This all began when I questioned Targei's "authority" to speak as regards whether certain social phenomena were reflections of the activity of the asuras.

There have been a lot of strong reactions (which is good in my view), but certain aspects of these reactions are quite troubling.

Dottie, for example (she is not the only one) resents what I am doing as it appears to her that I am abrasive and not Christ-like. Similar characterizations have been made by others.

The plain fact is that at 63 I am not only entitled to be the way I am being, but rather obligated to speak for the truths with which life as graced me. I either begin to pass on what has been given to me, or I will choke on it. What appears in the soul must "pass through" or we become more and more "constipated".

Those of you are are much younger will resent this, for one of the characteristics of youth is egoistic confidence of a certain kind, while one of the characteristics of age is cultivated ignorance. When I get up in the morning, and do my daily "exercises", I pray to be of service and express deep gratefulness for what comes to me each day as teaching, and then as the day goes forward, I either trust what arises in my soul, or that part of my soul will die (Emerson says: "In self trust all virtues are comprehended").

Now the most curious thing, for those who might want to look objectively at the last several days on this list, is that the reactions to what I have said have been universally emotional, accusatory, and almost never speak to the points being raised.

Targei, for example, slides off to the side, attacks me for being in sympathy with Catherine, but never really addresses whether or not he has been a spiritual scientist in his pronouncements upon what in modern social life is or is not asuric.

This characteristic of not responding to what are legitimate questions (what entitles us to claim to know spiritual facts?) is quite common here. Instead of arguing with what is presented by me concerning the method of thinking that is needed in order for one to justify that one has real knowledge, most everyone indulges themselves in emotional personal attacks against me.

I quote Steiner's First Leading Thought, but no one argues against that, or what I suggested logically follows from that Thought. I refer to Gordienko's book, with its clear examination of what it means to be a spiritual scientist, and the role of criticism in any kind of science, but no one - No One - meets that point in any way, but rather each tries to slide off to the side and find something wrong with me.

The assumption is that since what I write suggests that folks on this list have not entirely been operating as spiritual scientists, or following the clearly enunciated rules regarding knowledge in the epistemological works, or regarding spiritual research in True and False Paths, this is an unjustified moral judgment on my part. But no one goes beyond claiming I am wrong to be judging, to begin addressing the real issue as to what it does mean to be an anthroposophist (spiritual scientist).

Frankly it doesn't bother me at all to be denounced. I assumed this would happen when I began this line of inquiry. After 18 years in mental health, I've been cursed by the best, and as my Buddhist teacher once remarked concerning folk's dismay when you speak truth: "Be like a rock in a waterfall".

I have no desire, by the way, to be anyone's teacher. That temptation I dealt with a long time ago, during a period of life when I suffered a case of hubris big enough to stink up a house. At the same time, life teaches, and old farts have to pass on, whether the younger assholes like it or not. If just one sentence sticks to someone who is not even posting to this list, but just lurking, then all the upheaval has been well worth it.

For any who might be interested in my current work, here is a small book being worked on: human becoming, at:

warm regards,


From: b m <bryanmillermail>
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:53 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Well, Joel, I for one thoroughly appreciate your messages and interestingly enough never detected in your words aggression or arrogance, though I believe they were real for others. I guess this only goes to show how our individuality affects our perceptions. Keep writing, my friend.


From: dottie zold
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:38 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Joel wrote:

There have been a lot of strong reactions (which is good in my view), but certain aspects of these reactions are quite troubling.

Dottie, for example (she is not the only one) resents what I am doing as it appears to her that I am abrasive and not Christ-like. Similar characterizations have been made by others.

Dear Joel,

This is exactly what I am speaking on regarding you think you know about another and the truth is you do not. 1) I am not resentful in anyway and for the most part appreciate your posts, 2) I think the word is more like arrogance versus abrasive in how I have seen these last posts of yours regarding others and 3) I do not think my writings say anything about you not being Christ-like. And if I did make such an insinuation I would be way out of bounds. I definitely do not feel you are un Christ-like.

Have a great trip to New England and much success in your talks. I do wish you were around in Cali so I could attend a few of them.



From: golden3000997
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:25 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Yeah Joel,

Quoting you directly:

Have a nice trip!



From: Daniel Hindes
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:41 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Joel wrote:

The plain fact is that at 63 I am not only entitled to be the way I am being, but rather obligated to speak for the truths with which life as graced me. I either begin to pass on what has been given to me, or I will choke on it. What appears in the soul must "pass through" or we become more and more "constipated".

This and the next paragraph is pure Lucifer. No one is entitled to a way of being, and no one on a spiritual path can afford to justify negative traits as a right of old age. Further, silence is one of the most powerful tools for self development. Rather than becoming "constipated" you develop inner strength when you actively resist the urge to talk. Hence the importance of vows of silence in monasitc orders. It is a trick of Lucifer by which one sees ones weaknesses as strengths, and if there is any "proof" of a failure to meet the lower guardian, it is in the paragraph above.

Daniel Hindes


From: Daniel Hindes
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:27 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

[Joel wrote:]

I quote Steiner's First Leading Thought, but no one argues against that, or what I suggested logically follows from that Thought. I refer to Gordienko's book, with its clear examination of what it means to be a spiritual scientist, and the role of criticism in any kind of science, but no one - No One - meets that point in any way, but rather each tries to slide off to the side and find something wrong with me.

Perhaps you are not listening (reading). I addressed Gordeienko's book directly in relation to an artilcle you wrote that I reviewed here for the list. I could have been more explicit. Gordienko would probably criticise aspects of your article the same way she went after Prokofieff. She was explicitly contemptuous of Prokofieff as a "Teacher of Morals" and she would no doubt have the same objection to parts of your writing. Morals are taught by example, and not by moralizing. You seem to have read Gordienko selectively, latching on strongly to the "it's important to criticise" theme. If there is any criticism of Gordienko, it is that she could have made her point far more effectively if she had altered her tone. Appearently she herself realized this, since she did not want her manuscript published. It was published posthumously, but I imagine that if she had lived, she would have rewritten it in a more moderate tone.

Further, Gordienko criticised Prokofieff strongly for (in her opinion) presuming to talk like an initiate without having undergone initiation. The body of her book is finding all the spiritual-scientinfic "discoveries" of Prokofieff's that he (again, in her opinion) is not capable of justifying given his acknowledged failure to meet the Lower Guardian of the Threshold. The article you recommended to me repeats this failure, speaking of spritual realities as fact where nothing in your background gives any indication that you are an initiate. The thrust of all my responses to you has been to coax you towards looking at the lower guardian, but you seem determined to avoid this step.

I hope you have a good time in New England, and I look forward to your reply when you return.

Daniel Hindes


From: Daniel Hindes
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:36 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Joel wrote:

This all began when I questioned Targei's "authority" to speak as regards whether certain social phenomena were reflections of the activity of the asuras.

Tarjei advanced a hypothesis. He wasn't modest enough to preface it as such. Others noticed, but you jumped at him. The reactions were not so much to what you said, but to how you said it. People lost the point because of the delivery. This is the same problem Gordienko has. I have been suggesting, over the last several posts, that you might consider adjusting your tone to be more effective in discussions. This point appears to have been lost on you, and instead you bemoan your fate as an ignored prophet of true Anthroposophy. Adjustment of tone requires adjustment of attitude, and therby some inner work. You, on the contrary, state that you have done all the inner work necessary, and the problem is with everyone else. This is a statement of arrogance, and quite luciferic. It is also in contradiction to the morality you have been preaching. People attempt to call you on it, but you see it as "personal attaks".

Daniel Hindes


From: Mike Helsher
Date: Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:44 pm
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

Joel Wrote:

The assumption is that since what I write suggests that folks on this list have not entirely been operating as spiritual scientists, or following the clearly enunciated rules regarding knowledge in the epistemological works, or regarding spiritual research in True and False Paths, this is an unjustified moral judgment on my part. But no one goes beyond claiming I am wrong to be judging, to begin addressing the real issue as to what it does mean to be an anthroposophist (spiritual scientist).

Dear Joel,

I respect your question. I was involved in "Practical training in thought" for a while; doing all the exercises suggested in KHW, and Occult science; practicing the Rik-shaw (sp?)ect, on top of many years of meditative study. The result of which brought me in direct contact with an aspect of myself that I can only describe as intrinsic morbidness. A very lucid sense-free figure was set in my minds eye, that, had I not been prepared, through years of gut-wrenching Moral inventories, would have scared the living daylights out of me. In fact, there was a moment where fear swelled up to the point of goose bumps, but I kept my concentration, and the fear lessened, and then I realized I was staring at what we would call "the lesser Guardian."

So, here is a result of my own Spiritual scientific research that I have confirmed for myself. But to be honest, something doesn't jive with me about the idea of trying to talk about it. I think that what Daniel said about silence is very valid, and I remember somewhere (in KHW I think) that suggestion being made.

And, didn't Steiner keep silent for quite a while?

Is this what you are suggesting? That we share the results of our personal Spiritual scientific research? If so it would help a newcomer like me to here you (and Others - Hey Bradford, are you listening?) share some of the results you have come to, and the "Method" by which you achieved them.

Thanks in advance

Truth and Love


PS, I'll see you at Ghor farm on the 25'th.


From: Tarjei Straume
Date: Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:52 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] summary and temporary goodbye

At 20:05 13.01.2004, Joel wrote:

The assumption is that since what I write suggests that folks on this list have not entirely been operating as spiritual scientists, or following the clearly enunciated rules regarding knowledge in the epistemological works, or regarding spiritual research in True and False Paths, this is an unjustified moral judgment on my part.

The problem with this is not only that Joel hereby claims to be an "operating spiritual scientist," but when he projects this onto advanced seership stuff like the Asuras, he is, just like MacCoun who portrays RS as a practitioner of Jungian-occult sado-masochistic kink, Steiner's peer - provided that Knight Rudy is knocked offf his horse first in the ethical department!

Joel reminds me of "dr. Apop" in the opening sequence of my mini-play, "Anthroposophy in Court":

Apop Religion in Court

I just imagined a session in court with an apop on the witness stand trying to establish that anthroposophy is a science and not a religion:

- So Anthroposophy is not a religion?

- It most certainly isn't.

- And Anthroposophy is not even religious?

- Of course not. It is scientific.

- Scientific?

- Correct. Anthroposophy is not a religion, it is a science.

- You have us a little puzzled here, dr. Apop. Tell me, Isn't Anthroposophy a teaching about gods, angels, archangels, demons, and life after death?

- That's right.

- And that is not religious?

- No it isn't. It has nothing to do with religious faith. It's science.

- Angels are science? Would you mention some examples of documented scientific evidence of angels, dr. Apop?

- It's all in dr. Steiner's Basic Books. Just follow his exercises and see for yourself.

- And that is what you have done, dr. Apop?

- Not yet, but I will very soon.

- So you have not seen these angels yet.

- No, but I have experienced them in my willing, feeling, and thinking.

- I see. Your willing, feeling, and thinking is the best you can produce as evidence of angels being scientific and not religious?

- Of course not. Dr. Steiner researched them thoroughly. They are absolute scientific facts.

- But you have not seen these scientific facts. They have not been recorded by any microscopes or other instruments. You will soon see these angels, but until you do, are you certain that you do not believe in them religiously, accept dr. Steiner's claims on faith?

- Of course I don't. I'm a spiritual scientist. I see the proof of angels in my thinking, feeling, and willing.

The rest of this mini-play can be read at



From: dottie zold
Date: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:42 am
Subject: Re: summary and temporary goodbye

Mike wrote:

Is this what you are suggesting? That we share the results of our personal Spiritual scientific research? If so it would help a newcomer like me to here you (and Others - Hey Bradford, are you listening?) share some of the results you have come to, and the "Method" by which you achieved them.

Dear Mike

In looking at people who keep silent regarding their personal investigations it seems to me that it is hard to trust that your discoveries will not be used against you. Esoteric developement seems to be a seroius business and something one reveals may not be considered legitimate or even fantasizing to a certain extent.

And this email realm is really such a hard place to trust to reveal ones most inner revelations as it can be really trampled on by people thinking they 'get you' when in actuallity there is a lot of projection going on considering ones own spiritual discoveries.

With that being said, looking at Jerry's post today, about how it is considered that really no one has attained whatever they think we should attain according to Dr.Steiners teachings, one can never be good enough according to other peoples opinions. And I think that sucks.

I personally would like to know,if you can share it, what the Lower Guardian appeared to you. See, to me the Lower Guardian appears to be me and what I have done to hurt my original state of being. And from that moment I get to love that which I AM and have done and begin the 'ascent' with a new understanding. Sojourner Truth spoke of a similar moment when she was confronted by what she percieved as being 'God in an instant' and from that moment on she was confronted by the horror of her behaviours towards her children and such and worked to better herself.

Since the first time having read of this Guardian I have been terrified to see it or even contemplate it. But, I really have come to understand, it is because I do not know the true capacity of Love. For if I did, I would know that no matter what is seen or confronted, Love conquers all. And in that I melt and slowly make my way to see that which is abhorrent within me. And to me this is going to the Mothers: that all knowing love that has existed since the beginning of our existance.

My Best,

p.s. I am happy for you that you are finding a way to dig out and work your relationship to the best it can be. I think we can all do that whether it be in our love relationships, family or even internet friendships. I think it is through this we all truly grow towards the highest ideal we can have of ourselves.


From: Mike Helsher
Date: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:34 pm
Subject: Spiritual Scientific Research

[Dottie wrote:]

Mike wrote:

Is this what you are suggesting? That we share the results of our personal Spiritual scientific research? If so it would help a newcomer like me to here you (and Others - Hey Bradford, are you listening?) share some of the results you have come to, and the "Method" by which you achieved them.

Dear Mike

In looking at people who keep silent regarding their personal investigations it seems to me that it is hard to trust that your discoveries will not be used against you. Esoteric developement seems to be a seroius business and something one reveals may not be considered legitimate or even fantasizing to a certain extent.


Yes. The fear of being judged is defiantly a factor. I think also that there is a huge gap when it comes to language, that makes it even more difficult to relate experiences.

In the movie "Final Fantasy", human beings had made a discovery that allowed them to record their dreams, using a technology they called "the Bio Etheric Wave." Sound like an Anthroposophical thing, doesn't it?

Now, something like that might help. But then again, knowing what little I know about the intellectual soul, It would probably make things more difficult. You can always count on it (intellectual soul) to screw up a free lunch. Any honest person, with a certain amount of emotional intelligence, can look at our worldly societal situation, and see that (IMHO) the idea of a truly humane society, in which every human being matters, ought to be serious business, and it certainly sounds ligitamate. But for the intellectual soul, which pretty much governs most of our societal affairs, it is but a fantasy.

So my question is: Why should we be afraid to be judged by intellectualism, and its resulting inhumane consumer-culture?


And this email realm is really such a hard place to trust to reveal ones most inner revelations as it can be really trampled on by people thinking they 'get you' when in actuallity there is a lot of projection going on considering ones own spiritual discoveries.


Dennis Kloeck talks allot about the difference between intuition and fantasy in his book,"Seeking spirit Vision." My personal projections or fantasies about my so called spiritual discoveries, usually have more to do with my obsessions and personal bias. They are "a form of cognitive stagnation", which always end with -- ME. My truly intuitive experiences are something quite different. For they always have a more fluid and universal "god in an instant" character to them.


With that being said, looking at Jerry's post today, about how it is considered that really no one has attained whatever they think we should attain according to Dr.Steiners teachings, one can never be good enough according to other peoples opinions. And I think that sucks.


I think that sucks too. And I refuse to believe it. Reason being, is that it sounds to fixed. Lets put a PERIOD at the end of the sentence that says that we little morons will never reach the level of Steiner. Well, I guess that leaves us to Worship him as a Guru then. And to that I say....



I personally would like to know,if you can share it, what the Lower Guardian appeared to you. See, to me the Lower Guardian appears to be me and what I have done to hurt my original state of being. And from that moment I get to love that which I AM and have done and begin the 'ascent' with a new understanding.


For me it's also my self destruction; my arrogance based on ignorance; all the Hell that I lived, which is "a time, a place, our a state of mind in which there is no LOVE."

As for the pictorial cognitive experience that I had, to which I assigned the words "Lower Guardian", I have to say again that it was not something that we see or experience in our waking consciousness.

I have been blessed/plagued with frequent Lucid dreams from the time that I was a child. Two of which were precognitive, in that they actually predicted events that were to happen years later. These experiences, along with astounding synchronistic events (many of which my wife can attest to) have left an irrefutable certainty about the universal nature of thought in me.

With that, I will say that one morning last year, while waking up, I had a lucid dream experience: There was a three dimensional wall (if you can picture that) through which a kind of melting/burning process started to make an opening of sorts. Something in me knew that what was coming through was horrifying, and I started to hyper-ventilate. But another part of me knew that I had to see it. This intrinsically morbid figure slowly burned its way through, and when it finally appeared, I stopped breathing. It did not move; it just stared at me with what you might call eyes. There was not the slightest hint of any HOPE at all in this thing. It was so sad to see it there looking at me for the first time, as if it knew who I was.


Sojourner Truth spoke of a similar moment when she was confronted by what she percieved as being 'God in an instant' and from that moment on she was confronted by the horror of her behaviours towards her children and such and worked to better herself.


I've had a moment like that. Not the "Lower Guardian" thing, but a more inspiring moment, where I realized an aspect of myself that I had only till then theorized about. "God in an instant" sums it up quite nicely.

Another experience I had when I was 26, that put me on a path to try and make sense of all this consciousness stuff, was during a guided meditation; where I experienced for a split second, a vision of a landscape in my minds eye in which I could see in all directions, 360 degrees, all at the same time???


Since the first time having read of this Guardian I have been terrified to see it or even contemplate it. But, I really have come to understand, it is because I do not know the true capacity of Love. For if I did, I would know that no matter what is seen or confronted, Love conquers all. And in that I melt and slowly make my way to see that which is abhorrent within me. And to me this is going to the Mothers: that all knowing love that has existed since the beginning of our existance.


There's an old saying: "The pain of doing it, is less than the pain of not doing it."

I don't know the capacity of LOVE either. It think some of it lies in the fluid unfixed moments of our lives when we experience each other as human beings; as connected in some way, weather in person, or on the internet. It's so easy to put a persons intellectual ponderings and personality in front of their humanity, and then cast a final judgment. I'm totally guilty of this with Peter S.

My Best,

p.s. I am happy for you that you are finding a way to dig out and work your relationship to the best it can be. I think we can all do that whether it be in our love relationships, family or even internet friendships. I think it is through this we all truly grow towards the highest ideal we can have of ourselves.


Thanks Dottie, I was miserable and lonely for six months living away from my family. I had many opportunities to cure the pain with a new romantic/sexual fling, but I hung in there, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Things are fresh with my wife and I, and my children are very happy to have me home.

Now if someone would just drop a big bag of money in my front lawn??

Truth and Love



From: dottie zold
Date: Tue Jan 20, 2004 5:57 am
Subject: Re: [anthroposophy_tomorrow] Spiritual Scientific Research

Mike wrote:

So my question is: Why should we be afraid to be judged by intellectualism, and its resulting inhumane consumer-culture?

Hi Mike,

Because it might discount the work we have done and we would look bad in anothers eyes. And another factor is that many are not able to make the leap because of how inhumane this internet thing is. People can jump out and ruin a reputation based on one paper or at least try kind of like a witch hunt or something. WE are creating these egregors everyday and it is pretty sad.

I mean it seems to me that we do not count on these relationships to actually be anything real. We can walk away and never speak to the person again. Now there are some that stick together but for the most part there is a real strong distrust. I find it funny people say that 'you are not in my karma so balyhou to you'. It's not true. Just because it is internet does not make it any less important that the way we treat others in our lives. We will all have to pay for the way we treat one another, whether that be on line or at home, it does not matter.

Now, if we could all get real with one another and agree to respect that others feel differently and agree that we are all looking to grow through all of our experiences things might be different. But that would require we see each other as true brothers and sisters of Anthroposophy. I do not have and have not had much hope in the way the Christians handle themselves but somehow I expect(ed), which is a fault of mine it seems, that Steiners students would behave differently regarding the revelations left to us by Christ and clarified by Dr.Steiner.

In thinking on Silence, yes I understand the beauty of that. The whole silence is golden and so forth. However there does come a point, I believe/think, when one might get to point where a thing can be shared so as to be, and agreededly, worked through or even a confirmation for others who may be having the same type of experiences happen or that begin happening. Having said that I am so way guilty of speaking before it was jelled in me and that really taught me a lesson. And that is where Steiners thought in How to know higher worlds, regarding not speaking until it is clear inside or others might respond and the delicate spiritual sprout trying to grow up can be wilted until another time.

You shared about a burnishing. I get that. That figure I have not seen however I have had other things burnish through that were absolutely amazing. I have not had it in a while but I know when I am light of spirit and allow my self to just be, these kinds of teachings return.

And I am glad you put a word to it: burnishing. It's actually like that isn't it? For me it tends to come in from the dark of my minds eye and then slowly comes into being and then once recognized it slowly passes away.


My truly intuitive experiences are something quite different. For they always have a more fluid and universal "god in an instant" character to them.


Yeah I get that. But I am unfortunately a doubting Thomas and it takes a few minutes after the fact and sometimes days after to really confirm within me that I just experienced that and come to know it.


Well, I guess that leaves us to Worship him as a Guru then. And to that I say....



Well I would have to say I can appreciate that.


As for the pictorial cognitive experience that I had, to which I assigned the words "Lower Guardian", I have to say again that it was not something that we see or experience in our waking consciousness.


Well, Mike, I think these things too can be seen in our waking consciousness although it is highly unlikely. I have had my eyes wide open when doing a workshop on Faireys one time and the eyes that I had been seeing on the inner side appeared to me on the outer yet inner. It's hard to explain but it can happen.

And it is right in here where problems arise with sharing things. One person will say 'oh that's not real' and maybe because of her/his lifes experiences she/he is halucinating or maybe even she is delusional and so forth. All this phsychoanlizing of why the other person has not seen such a thing. I keep hearing that 'oh I do not want to be spiritually gifted and all that comes with it and so forth' and yet these same people will judge others who dare to make the leap.


With that, I will say that one morning last year, while waking up, I had a lucid dream experience: There was a three dimensional wall (if you can picture that) through which a kind of melting/burning process started to make an opening of sorts. Something in me knew that what was coming through was horrifying, and I started to hyper-ventilate. But another part of me knew that I had to see it. This intrinsically morbid figure slowly burned its way through, and when it finally appeared, I stopped breathing. It did not move; it just stared at me with what you might call eyes. There was not the slightest hint of any HOPE at all in this thing. It was so sad to see it there looking at me for the first time, as if it knew who I was.


Yeah I get that. It's pretty amazing. But you just gifted me with something really wonderful. You are the first person in my three years on the net, that I can recall, who actually shared that particular experience. And now I feel a bit more courageous as it seems to be the process. I for some reason have thought it as to be something that would appear outside of me and would scare the shit out of me. But its' not is it? It's not some big monster that is going to eat me up and all. I think because I was still a noncourageous cat when first discovering Steiner it scared me deeply. I mean my nightmares would scare me to the point where I would have to wake my self up and out of them and right quickly I might add. But now I can stay in any nightmare that might have normally had me up all night. And this I found through Steiners words and his exercizes.


Another experience I had when I was 26, that put me on a path to try and make sense of all this consciousness stuff, was during a guided meditation; where I experienced for a split second, a vision of a landscape in my minds eye in which I could see in all directions, 360 degrees, all at the same time???


I had something similar in a way and it is how the things confirm for me now. I am laying in bed thinking about things before I open my eyes when suddenly somethign will come in from the dark and make itself known to me. One most poingnant one was where a little white cloud or opening slowly cleared the dark away and I could see a mound of dirt right in front of me as if I was standing just before it or something. And then I noticed to my left I heard a hammering of sorts. And then beyond the mound I saw a castle of sorts in the backround with a field of sorts that separated the mound from the road a bit of a distance off. In pondering this I wondered if I had not been at Golgatha. With the steady hammering and the way it appeared to me this was a strange possibility. So I called up a Palestinian friend of mine and here he lived and walked that road everyday. He said it was off the Villa della Rosa which is the road he would take home everyday and that there indeed was a castle/vineyard of sorts that could be seen in the backround. And that was a pretty amazing thought that somehow something inside of me is trying to make itself known.


I don't know the capacity of LOVE either. It think some of it lies in the fluid unfixed moments of our lives when we experience each other as human beings; as connected in some way, weather in person, or on the


But we can feel the love in others can't we? And we can feel the love when others share it with others. That is the moment when I am the most happiest: seeing others loving one another.

Gotta run to catch a four day train, whew,


p.s. I am such a hermit in my private life. I really only go out to work with the homeless youth and so forth. This train trip was absolutely excruciating because when one goes to eat in the dining car one is put in a group of others. And it was horrifying but once I got into what was being shared I could calm down until the next time I had to go eat where I would suddenly be thinking about whether or not I had to eat:)))) I love that I have been put in the situation to see how isolated I have become outside my work. Things are needing to be changed it seems.


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Anthroposophy & Scientology

Anthroposophical Morsels

Anthroposophy, Critics, and Controversy

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